Zion Gets Mad

Mar 31, 2008 21:35

zionchild7 says: sd;alskdjasd;adlk
zionchild7 says: can I punch it now
L says: yes you may.
L says: i don't even know what you're trying to do. XD
L says: i don't get what i'm looking at.
zionchild7 says: It's a map that I scanned in.
zionchild7 says: but it's not actually black and white, I need it to be black and white
L says: ooooh.
L says: i know how to do that.
zionchild7 says: how?
L says: no clue.
L says: C:
zionchild7 says: ok
zionchild7 says: you know how sometimes I go a;sldfkasjdf;alsdkasjdf and it's like I'm fake-mad
L says: yeah.
zionchild7 says: and we go hahahahaha zion is an old coot
L says: we do?
zionchild7 says: yes we do
L says: okay.
zionchild7 says: well right about here
zionchild7 says: "LUL EARLY APRIL FOOLS"
zionchild7 says: is where I got real-mad
zionchild7 says: not for long
zionchild7 says: I'm over it
L says: 8D
zionchild7 says: I just thought I'd let you know I had actual serious thoughts about sending you a bomb
L says: : O
L says: please!
L says: it'll be my first ever gift!
L says: you're so thoughtful.
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