(no subject)

Jul 21, 2006 21:45


Name|Age|Location: Well my name is Krishna but I get called Kim/18/Imbituba, Brazil

What gender do/would you like to fuck? Male

Shaking up with any one?[Picture please.]


7+ Bands: joanna newsom, jon brion, kings of leon, laura veirs, marilyn manson, nina simone, norah jones, placebo

5+ Movies:house of flying daggers, girl interupted, interview with the vampire,elephant, elizabethtown

Color[s]: Red

Extra Shit

How'd you find us?[From a member, type username.] Promoted in my journal.

Opinions got any? [optional: abortion; self-mutalation; relgion; etc]
Well being Gay myself I have very strong views on gay marriage. I cannot help the way that I am, anymore than someone can who is born with something else. I cannot be cured, I cannot change the way I am and I would not want to! I have every intention of one day getting married, and it will be to a man. I see no reason to why I should be discriminated against and not allowed just because of my sexuality. Rant over!

Make us laugh: See m

What do you think of the mods?

Must answer these[ugliest and prettiest]!

Ugliest person here? _____redclichePrettiest boy & girl here?sh__rk__tt__ck

Promote us 2+ times [Try and not let it be promoting communities] &once in your user info.

Now, the Finale

Post 4+ pictures of you &your [hopefully] beautiful face.

Post a 150X200 picture, or near there, for the Members page.

Last question, i swear.

Will you stay active? yes
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