my week

May 12, 2006 17:50

so i had a shitty week but it turns out to be one of the best of the quarter.

- was sick thursday thru tuesday and spent sunday hooked up to an iv for some odd hours in the er because of it, plus uber dehydration.

- lost the camera. can't take pictures of new short hair/am too lazy to find someone to take them for me or some other alternative

- haven't had the time to do a lot of reading for school, so i've missed out on reading about: genetically modified foods, recent neo-liberal globalization of food, the last half of locke's second treatise on government, and most of rousseau's social contract, though i think i'll read that one tonight.

- school rant: it really pisses me off how, in college, they try to make themselves sound smart by writing in a completely unnecessarily pompous kind of way, as if speaking plain english somehow degrades the ideas. i hate that academia bullshit!!! i also hate how competitive majors try to break people down in the intro classes; i guess more basic is i hate that there are competitive majors and that they're always the most interesting ones, like international studies or art or psychology. stupid stupid schools!! why can't we just do what we want and then get a diploma at the end??

- umm... nothing else distinctive to report, mainly being sick. really really sick. like lying in a bed not being able to move sick. yeah.

- regina and i have to write a 20 page paper by thursday and we don't know where to start yet. yup. and for some reason, this doesn't diminish her love for CEP. i don't get it. well, the paper's not so bad....

+ as of today, there are only 3 weeks left in the quarter, besides finals week, but that doesn't count because it's not really school...!!

+ this lovely girl name rae and i facilitated our geography class today and it didn't suck!!

+ i went to the farmer's market on capitol hill with kabie and my mom and got asparagus! YUM!

+ Banana Bread!

+ there's a super hidden computer lab in gould that is by far the coolest place i have been so far on campus. the harry potter effect of suzzallo = gray fluff! it's really really really cool, and if you find it, you'll get what i mean. i'm going back sometime and seeing if they're like the honors lab and you don't need to sign in. because if they are.... i'm going there for my computer needs! except honors lab has free printing, and so does geography. damn. oh well.

sorry for random rants. just feels like a random rants time of day. i'm trying to figure out my schedule for autumn. so many classes and they all conflict! sociology? psychology? a language? history? geography? film? art? some days i wish i was on something like the biochem track, so i wouldn't ever have to think about electives. ever.

and it was then that i realized i'm thinking about school too much. yup.
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