today i cleaned my room and found so many things i thought were long gone. in the corner was a small pile of relics from the end of summer: subway passes, maps, brochures, receipts. it all made me feel so nostalgic, so i gathered everything up and stuffed them into my journal. now it’s fat and refuses to lie flat! the tragedy!
all that rat-packing got me thinking… if there were an emergency and you had to leave everything behind, knowing it’d all be destroyed, would you save anything? at first i thought “of course not! they're just things, not what’s really important!” but then i wasn’t so sure. i started looking around, trying to decide what i would want to keep, thinking about the woman down the street who tried to save her recording things during the storm…
the wood carving of Ganesha? old journals? the photograph of dancers at suzy’s ballet school? bonny's bag from china? the jar of california?
somehow, it seemed really sad to think about, like all that a person amounts to are their things.
i thought i should save the picture of the dancers, but the scan made it look dull and dark. i suppose nothing’s quite the same if you look at it differently.