MXPX are the coolest/nicest guys everrrr

Mar 20, 2006 21:27

soo, the Hedley/MxPx/Faber show was on saturday night at the Congress Centre, Atara, Oreo and I met MxPx afterwards... and this is how it went(i was pretty much in love):

I met Daniel, Mira, Atara (they're from school) and Oreo (Atara's friend) at Rideau, we got food then went to the Congress Centre, waited in the cold for 30-40 mins, while we were in line this guy (Chris) is walking around asking "does anybody like MXPX" and like nobody answers so i step out a little and i'm like "I do!" and so he comes over and is like "sweet, youre like the 15th person out of like 100 so far" haha, and so he explains this thing i can either buy their new cd for $15 and get a pass for meet&greet after the show, or, join their fan club for $15 and meet them after.. so i'm like "ok, i'll get the new cd.." so he explained when i go in what to do.. and Oreo really likes them too, so me, Oreo, and Atara went and bought the cd.

we walked around.. we all saw people we knew..

Faber plays, never heard them before, they were pretty good..

MXPX played, and i was sooo happy! opened with Responsibility, closed with Punk Rawk Show.. it was amazing. they played their wholle new cd and some oldies, and 2 covers..

and then Hedley played and they were really good too.. Jacob Hoggard (leading singer, he did canadian idol, 3rd place) was nearly naked throught the whole show, he humped a couple amps, brought some girl on stage, mooned the crowd, grabbed his balls a few times, made sex noises, etcetc. it was pretty funny, we were stnaindg near thes elik two 10 year old girls and they found it hilarious haha

after the show ppl are clearing out, Mira and Daniel left.. and this guy was telling people where to go for the MXPX thing, and so theres like 30-40 ppl around,and i'm standing with Atara and Oreo ,and we're talking and Tommy/Tom(bassist/backup vox) comes over and puts his arm around Atara and is like "hey, whats up ladies?" and we were talking forever, and pictures,and signing and all this stuff.. so cool. and then after like 10-15 mins we're like "ok, we'll let other people have a turn at you!" and we went over to Mike(lead singer/guitar) and he was super chill, and we got pics/signitures from him nstuff, and talking and we were there for like 20 mins and i already noticed there were like half as many ppl.. and so we go over to Yuri(drummer), and talk to him, autographs, pics, etc. he was so weird, and kinda akward haha.. and the 3 of us are tlakng and we're all like "I love tom!" haha so we went back to him and we're talking.. then there were less than 10 fans left, including us.. it was around 11:30 (started at 11) so the 4 of us are talking for half an hour or so,and Tom said he was thirsty, sohe went to to find water and comes back wth one bottle and i said jokingly "pfft, what a gentleman. one bottle." and he laughed ans said he could only see one without having yo go across the whole backstage area, but he;d share.. so we did, and i kept the bottle after (haha i'm creepy?).. and Oreo remembered she wantd to call her firned who couldn;t come.. so Tom spoke to her and it was cool, and he's like "and you?" haha so i pulled my pohojne out and told Atara to pick someboy, so she chose Dave and so he called Dave, who was with Noam.. and Dave seemed confused haha... it was pretty funny. thenn we were jsut talkng.. and we were lazy, so we all jsut sat down in a circle and Chris came voer and joined us for abit, then left.. and then it was the 4 of us again and I saw Mike was alone watching us so i was like "Mike! come join us!" and moved over and patted the floor hahah and he laughed and sat down beside me and was like "thanks, this seems like a cozy little party" (i was in heaven, Tom on one side of me and Mike on the other.. i'm a loser).. ugh they're so funny/awesome/cool/hot/down to earth! we had sooo much fun.. then at 12 some guy came over and said their bus was ready, etc and they have to go.. so we got up said goodbyes.. and atara notices that the only people left in the room (it was in the same room as the concert) were random security gaurds walking around, us 5, and 2 or 3 random ppl that worked for them haha it was pretty sweet. and then at like 12:15 we're still talking to Tom and Mike haha and then Jacob (lead singer of Hedley walks by and atara yells his name but he just looked over nodded his head, and kept walking.. so we say goodbye to the boys.. and it was sad..

and as we're walking out of the room the guys from Faber are packing up theyre stuff and they're like "thanks for coming, did you like the show?" etc, and we're like yea blahblahblah,and one of them goes "did you buy a cd? and we're like "nooo.." and so he pulls 3 cd's out signed them and handed them to us haha.. so we all got him, and i recognized one of the other guys there and asked for him too.. and then a security gaurd came over and kicked us out haha..

and then when we were waiting for Oreo's dad, the drummer from Hedley walks by (Atara and Oreo had taken pics with him earlier while I was with Mike, so they recognized him..) and Atara asked if he;d go get Jacob or something.. and he's like "sure" and goes outside infront of us for a ciggarette, and come sin a fe mins later and atara just gives him this look.. and he's like "ok, i'll see if he;s still ehre" and goes to the room, and comes back 2 mins alter and says "he;s busy." and walks away and under my breath i'm like "asshole drummer" and we laughed.. i think he might have heard cuz he stopped walkng for a second hahaha, oops!

and then i got home, and i was in the best mood everrr, and rly wanted to do something.. and at like 2:30 Dave called me on his way home, so that was pretty chill... i told him everything haha i think he finally gets how much i love this band...


I know, I know... some are big and some are small.. i'm lazy. and it's alot.




Jacob brought a girl onstage

Mira, Faber's lead singer, Mira's friends

Atara and lead singer from Faber

Atara and drummer from Hedley

after the show, with MxPx:



Chris (guy who recruited us from outside, funniest/chillest guy ever):


note my random hand haha


(only Mike and Yuri, I forgot to ask Tom :(!)
(Yuri, Mike, Tom)
(Mike, arm)

I thiiiink thats all the pics.. i hope so. there's alot.. sorry if i double posted.

aand i was on youtube lookin' at videos, and i found this, somebody recorded 2 songs saturday night and posted them.
punk rawk show:
500 miles(cover):

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