Aw, poor Retto. Josh is really dumb sometimes, thinking he might be able to get by again. I mean, he submitted two pictures to the album under different names. One under Josh/Fenix, and the other under Stan. In front of the same window. I ranted about it somewhere in my LJ...
Ew, AP week. I only have one, US history, but that's enough right there for me.
Hmm. Skip getting killed by parents, so you've got more HPW to work on other stuff. Yea. Parents can be more then one HPW, so you're lucky. :-o)
My suggestion for Josh would probably be to crass even for LJH, so I'll just keep it to myself...
(Hmm. That reminds me, my mother owes me money. I have got to buy Fight Club,, because it was so...Odd, but it was brilliant. *hurries off to make a new CP usericon*)
Comments 3
Or perhaps one of those tall Doctor Seus Cat In the Hat Related Hats. Those are rather easy to spot as well. But not as easy to explain.
Ew, AP week. I only have one, US history, but that's enough right there for me.
My suggestion for Josh would probably be to crass even for LJH, so I'll just keep it to myself...
(Hmm. That reminds me, my mother owes me money. I have got to buy Fight Club,, because it was so...Odd, but it was brilliant. *hurries off to make a new CP usericon*)
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