it's the home stretch. now i get to pay for dicking around the last 8 weeks. i am two weeks, two compositions, a paper, a research paper, oral exam, quiz, four books, and a wedding away from exam week.
i've never felt so jewish before. in SS i'm one of the "hardly jewish", here it's "shhh zodiac's jewish". everyone has to tell me about that token jewish friend in grade school, or the rich predominantly jewish suburb with the guys with the weird curly hair, or the "moses shouldn't have tapped the stone twice". they're getting as repetitive as jokes on my name. at dinner the other night i jokingly said i could never bring home a blonde haired blue-eyed, and there was complete silence. yet somehow it's okay for you to state that your family would freak if you had a black boyfriend, and i can't make a holocaust joke?