A new Vocaloid has suddenly been announced from out of nowhere. VocaloidOtaku members are theorizing that it's a Vocaloid being released by Yamaha itself... Interesting, as Yamaha has yet to create a Vocaloid (it creates the program software, though.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOKndsZFaH0^ The first demo, "Stardust Utopia." It's a good use of her voice; she doesn't sound robotic at all.
But she does sound... generic. She's been compared to all sorts of female Japanese Vocaloids so far. The song puzzled me at first. She sounded somehow like all of them, yet none of them at once. She's got a mature ring to her voice, resembling Luka ever so slightly. Her pronunciation is similar to Miki's. I think it has to do more with the type of voicebank (Japanese female) then with the voicebank itself; I'm certain once it is given other demos it will sound slightly more unique...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iMAX6UpLYQ^The second demo, "Polyrhythym."
She definitely sounds a bit more unique here. She doesn't sound like any other Vocaloid to me in this one. She just, unfortunately, has a similar voicetype to others. But she definitely sounds more unique here; the more I play it the less she sounds like any other Vocaloid. (I've found this to be true for most other Vocaloids.)
The odd thing about this demo was that in the previous one she sounded slightly older; in this one she sounds slightly younger (something about the pronunciation of certain vowels...)