To those in the know

Oct 24, 2009 01:28

I had a vision about Peter I think. I'm pretty sure, didn't actually see him but there was a dark place and screaming and just a feeling that everything going on there was utter shit. But then I was seeing his office at the hospital too and it was important, something in his office, in his desk. There was a skull involved too but that might have ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

elizabeth_long October 23 2009, 12:34:08 UTC
Oh Jesus.

Poor both of you.

I'm bringing you tea and soup.


zoe_everafter October 23 2009, 12:37:13 UTC

Not the soup, that sounds good. Might come down for it, though.


elizabeth_long October 23 2009, 12:38:46 UTC
Whichever suits you, my Zoe.


zoe_everafter October 23 2009, 12:39:56 UTC
I'm fine. I'll come down in a sec.


abigail_lilith October 23 2009, 12:34:58 UTC
A skull. In his desk?


It's not because your head hurts. Though I'm sorry it does. Are you alright?


zoe_everafter October 23 2009, 12:37:48 UTC
Yeah. Got soup.

Peter has a skull in his desk?


abigail_lilith October 23 2009, 12:39:07 UTC
It's a really long story.


zoe_everafter October 23 2009, 12:40:10 UTC
Uh huh.

Man's weird.


suave_thomas October 23 2009, 12:35:34 UTC
Oh, Peter. My Peter.

Thank you, Zoe. Thank you for telling us.


zoe_everafter October 23 2009, 12:39:23 UTC
Figured I'd have one when I'm out being normal rather than at home actually TRYING, though. Stupid visions.


suave_thomas October 23 2009, 12:40:47 UTC
I'm sorry. They seem like a pain in the arse, but I really do think you've helped us narrow down the search by a lot here...


zoe_everafter October 23 2009, 12:43:47 UTC
I better. S'about time.


empress_tasha October 24 2009, 11:09:09 UTC
Thank you, Zoe.

The skull is Bobo III.


zoe_everafter October 24 2009, 11:15:43 UTC


empress_tasha October 24 2009, 12:14:22 UTC
He's an angel. Well, what's left of one. We can't really talk to him, beyond asking yes or no questions, but we've dubbed him Bobo III.

And it's not cos we're heartless bastards or anything, that we keep him in a box. He's dangerous, or he was. Used to be a Templar secret weapon.


dj_crowley October 24 2009, 11:11:36 UTC
Perhaps now we can get to the bottom of this. Thank you, Zoe.


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