✖ comment to be added;
✖ see my
profile for other online venues I might frequent, privately or otherwise;
✖ my fic is some other where (hint: not here);
✖ I am curious and have a compulsive need to like to know why anyone adds me;
✖ my friending policy is a chaotic free-for-all that obeys my whims rather than any set rationale.
I'm female, in my twenties, and here are some things about me.
I have a relationship with fandom that can be pretty accurately likened to Stockholm Syndrome.
I have a weird on-again, off-again relationship with writing. Who knows. I love poetry, but don't ask me to name my favourite poet or my favourite era of literature. Though I'm reasonably sure that it would end up in a death match between modernism and romanticism.
I am passionate about music, and I'm a complete snob about it. I love Joanna Newsom and Spencer Krug the most bestest of all. I am nigh unstoppable at Name That Tune, 60-70s version. I want a pair of Grados really badly.
I live on the outskirts of a city with a fucking ridiculous real estate market (hint: it is in western Canada). I like being places that aren't North America and I am really terrible at Scrabble. I put 'works well under pressure' on my resume but in reality I just don't get anything done ever unless it's four hours before the deadline.
I routinely address people online with over-familiarity. I deal with anxiety and depression on a fairly continuous basis. I have a vicious jealous streak. Sometimes I'm witty and smart, but usually I am dorky and don't bother with the whole dignity thing. I'm a feminist. I only recently stopped double-spacing after periods. It drives me crazy when people spell it as 'alright'.
I make no promises as to the accuracy of any of the above content.
I'm Zoe, this is my LJ. Hi.