
Oct 16, 2007 21:26

I have my first boyfriend

AND i REALLY like him

Armaggedon is this weekend and OMFG RVD CHRISY HEMME AND RAVEN WILL BE THERE ON MONDAY!!!!!!

im so excited if i can go and with shaun would be so wicked! my life is finally good again *sigh*

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Comments 13

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zoewwelover October 16 2007, 22:11:50 UTC
thanks hun :) Ive missed doing blogs, ill have to do another 1 but a long one. I dont wanna keep everyone in the dark about my oh so new life :P


poutyshorty October 16 2007, 10:20:42 UTC
Aw I'm so happy for you Zoe :D

And I wanna go to Armageddon in Auckland, but nobody will go with me. I can't get there by myself, so bah I can't go. I wanna meet RVD :(


zoewwelover October 16 2007, 22:08:12 UTC
OH i wish i could take you, but i might be going with my bf mhmm. how far away from the expo do you live??


poutyshorty October 19 2007, 08:37:18 UTC
LOL I see you're going with your bf, but I actually live only like 20 minutes away cos it's in Aotea Square XD


zoewwelover October 19 2007, 22:11:05 UTC
Hehe, aw i want u to come its only 16 bucks and theres door sales plus RVD will be there and his nice toosh hellooo!?!? lol


somebadhat October 16 2007, 13:32:24 UTC
Yay! Congrats!


zoewwelover October 16 2007, 22:10:36 UTC
thanks lol im so happy with him


isuxatlife18 October 16 2007, 13:42:36 UTC
what is Armaggedon?


zoewwelover October 16 2007, 22:09:33 UTC
http://www.pulpexpo.com/ theres the link to it, its a expo for like anime manga all sorts of stuf and wrestling...kinda like a geek convention hehe


isuxatlife18 October 17 2007, 00:33:30 UTC
oh okay. Thanks for cleaning it up for me.

I hope you have fun and take lots of pictures.


zoewwelover October 17 2007, 00:36:42 UTC
yea thats IF im allowed to go *grumble* and i wish i had a digi camera! lmao oh well ill have to take our dumb normal camera :(


xx_selene_xx October 17 2007, 06:07:44 UTC
I knew you were on my flist, but..

Armageddon? This weekend? You're going, maybe?

Me, toooo. DSaturday and Monday, for animus/mangas/wrestlings merch and cosplay :3


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