Title. (Never) Stop
Author. Zee
Pairings. Hermione/Ginny
Rating. R
Summary. They have to stop doing that.
Warnings. DH/Prologue compliant
Disclaimer. Not mine, no profit, just borrowing for fun and all that.
Author Notes. Thanks to
lash_larue for the quick beta (again), all remaining mistakes are mine :)
They have to stop doing that, she knows, but when Ginny’s tongue touches her body she doesn’t want her - them - to ever stop. They’ve been doing this for years now, when Ron and Harry are out to train the new Aurors for the Ministry; and she still remembers how everything had started. They had been drinking tea in Ginny’s living room, just making company for each other since the boys were working at the time. The kids had already been asleep, and they had been snuggling on the couch.
“’Mione,” Ginny had whispered, “do you ever miss our earlier years at Hogwarts?”
She had answered that she did, but that she didn’t regret the later years either. Then Ginny mentioned the early days again, and all her boyfriends - and Hermione really didn’t understand, what was the whole point of that conversation? Ginny, apparently now hearing her, kept saying that those had been the best days of her life - and that was when Hermione had asked why.
“Because you paid attention to me,” the redhead said bluntly.
“I always pay attention to you, Gin,” Hermione answered, scowling at her.
“You don’t. You think you do, because we’re here and we’re keeping each other company, but you don’t.”
“I love you, Hermione.” When had Ginny became so blunt, so… fearless? “And at that time, I only dated them so that you would pay attention to me. I thought that if maybe you saw that I was dating, that I had… grown up, you would pay attention to me.”
“Ginny, listen, I-”
“Teenagers are so stupid.”
Hermione didn’t even have time to think after that, since Ginny had taken advantage of their snuggle position and now was straddling her waist and holding her arms; and before she could speak (“I loved you, too. I just thought that you were so straight, dating so many boys, that I would never be able to reach you.”) Ginny’s lips were on hers and she was fighting to be rational - because no matter how much she wanted that, they still had the kids sleeping in the rooms upstairs and they could hear something.
“It’s Valentine’s Day, you know,” Ginny had whispered in her ear, nibbling it softly, “and I was the one who sent you those roses and the ring that time, not Ron. He just followed what you were thinking, because it would spare him the work.” She had lifted herself up, looking at Hermione intently, “I sent you the ring, your wedding ring, the one I chose. And that means I have much more claim on you than Ron ever had.”
Ginny had never looked like that before to Hermione’s eyes - she was always beautiful, full of life and happy Ginny; not primal instincts and feral and desolate. And seeing that made Hermione love her even more, awakening the fire that Hermione had struggled to put down, pulling her closer and hugging her fiercely. She had kissed Ginny then, and she could feel it, how that had surprised Ginny; how Ginny had been ready to resort to extremes just so she could have her.
That night, and every other night they were with other over the next couple of years, was spent awakened. First discovering each others bodies, and then worshiping each other - for all the years they had lost. When they were together, protective and sound spells ready, it was like nothing else existed; the war had never been. No Ron or Harry. Their kids were their own, and no one else’s.
But this night is different. It’s different because Hermione is thinking they have to stop with that; and because Ginny says something she really wasn’t expecting.
“I’m going to get divorced.”
Hermione doesn’t ask why. She doesn’t ask because she knows. And she knows because Ginny has told her more than one time already and they had been postponing this because of the children. So the brunette nods her agreement - and they won’t ever stop, because they are so caught up in it already and they’re tired of pretending and hiding.
Neither Harry nor Ron understands why both Ginny and Hermione want divorce. Or why they’re holding hands when they deliver them the papers - for comfort, they think. It never occurs to them, thinking there was something else. Thinking that they might be together.
That night was the first they slept in each others’ arms. Hermione with her hands around Ginny’s waist, her face resting in the crook of the redheads’ neck while the other woman held a protective arm over her, the other playing idly with the bushy hair, even in her sleep.
“I was wrong,” Hermione murmurs the next morning.
“About what?,” Ginny asks when the brunette shifts her body slightly off of the bed to get something.
“We should never stop doing this,” she said while putting a rose and a ring on Ginny’s chest, a loving smile upon her face.