11AM. Still half-asleep. My phone rings, anonymous untraceable number, again. This time it turned out to be somewhat different, though.
ME: "Uh... Ilmari Haapanen"
POLICE: "Good day from the police!" (*
ME: "Huh? Good morning."
POLICE: "We'd like you to come to the station asap. There was an arson some time ago and the police caught you nearby."
[and so on..]
What a splendid way to start a day. There indeed was an arson nearby my place about 4 months ago. I was returning from a technoparty (Entropy) in a middle of night, and I used the shortcut I always use, through the woods. This time there just was a police pat´rol waiting for me in the middle of the forest. After a short investigation they found my black pvc-skirt and match-box in my bag. They told me that there has been an arson nearby and that I might be contacted later on.
No, I didn't burn the freaking place (and a couple of cars). I just wonder that can the police tie me up to that because of "strange clothing" and a set of matches. "Yea, I bet he burned the place, wore that satanic outfit and jerked off in the woods afterwards". Well, let's see what follows. My hearing is next week.
(* and don't you find if funny how they say that regardless of the shit that follows