I know that not all of you are interested of my shameless self-promotion, but I'm a kind and humble little boy who uses lj-cut in order to make your livejournal-experience more pleasant.
Älymystö - Atomgrad, Part I (16 Aug 2005)
I'm pleased to inform you that our new album, Atomgrad, is almost here. The CD is in the mastering-phase, the mixing and producing are finally over. Time to tell you a bit about our work.
We made the sound completely ourselves, from the very first idea to the end-product. I had to learn to use the Logic Audio, since we ran in troubles with nature with UT3-studios. The old studio got flooded.
Studiowizard Mettänen didn't like the wet surprise at all and sold his studiogear to me. UT3-studios was no more but Studio Vainohulluus, my first own studio, was born.
Luckily I have played with audio for half of my life, so becoming a studiowizard myself was an interesting and pleasing period of time. I feel like owe one to nature, since the studio is really a dream-come-true.
I've been a complete studiofreak for half a year - countless not-so-sober studiosessions and jolly good time with friends & audio. One of such nights actually included a friend of us, Human Chocolate from Aprox. - and yes, his feature did make it, the album-ending song Insects features guest vocals by him.
We first came up with the idea of an ambient-influenced album back in autumn 2004, when we still rehearsed in the good old Sopulilaakso-commune. The track Periplaneta A. is the oldest of the songs, dating back to those times. The first song ever composed by Mr.Honkonen, our thereminist.
Most of the material we have made will never be released - the process of making the album was like slow improvisation. Some ideas worked better than others, and those better ideas got produced to an album, Atomgrad. We still have troubles of understanding how well we actually pulled it off - everyone from our small group of "beta-testers" have liked every single song in the album. Either we are good or so cool that it's nice to lick our assholes.
The not-so-good material we saved for B-sides and ripping your money with lousy music when we are old and famous.
--mr.haapanen of Älymystö |
http://www.alymysto.com/ Älymystö - Atomgrad, Part II (14 Sep 2005)
I've just spent the last days listening over and over again the Atomgrad -album. I can say we did our best, and I think anyone who likes our way to explore dark soundscapes will love the result.
My own father once asked me that is his homestereo-system is broken or does Älymystö actually sound that unpleasing to human ear. Yes it does. We are something very different for your standard pop-oriented ears. We are not music for masses, we are music for individuals.
Ihmisennahkaa, track 2, is the first and most difficult real song in the album. Harsh rythmic noise - but if you can listen to it, you will hear the anguish which ravaged my mind the night the song was compiled. The feelings behind the song are real and private.
Kehät is the another song you should listen from the album to see a bit of my mind. An old friend told me that it's the first song by Älymystö that actually sounds like she once imagined my music would be like. Being the softest and most melancholic piece of the album, someone might state it is Portishead-alike triphop-influenced pop. I, on the other hand, say that we respected no boundaries while making this album.
I don't know what the future has in store for us. From last autumn to this day, my whole life has revolved around this album - and I am very grateful to Risto, Janos, Timo and Tuomas for making all this possible. It has changed my life, in several ways, but most importantly it changed the way I think about music and what I have to offer.
It also cost me one dear relationship. I truly hope it was worth that, since in the end I respect the people who are near me more than I could ever respect the art I'm part of - this is my silent apology.
--mr.haapanen of Älymystö |