Here's what's what.

Apr 03, 2012 01:19

Welcome to ZombiFICation, a new and (optimistically) annual MULTI-FANDOM Zombie Fic Fest. If you have any questions, hopefully this page will answer them. Stolen shamelessly (but with permission) from the wonderful mods over at dark_fest, and adapted for our purposes.

1. What are the specific boundaries or parameters of this fest?

ZOMBIES! That's really the only rule here. Stories can be anything - horror, fluff, romance, angst, humor, dark, crack, etc. - as long as it includes some level of zombie action.

2. What constitutes a "zombie"?

Generally, the reanimated corpses of the recently deceased. However, given the broad spectrum of the category (in films/TV/books), there's a lot of flexibility for what counts. For example: 28 Days Later is widely popular and generally lumped under this header, even though the "zombies" were actually living, breathing human beings with an infection. I think the fact that they are people stripped of their humanity and cognitive thinking, reduced to a base element (in that case, rage) renders them acceptable as zombies. There are tons of different takes on the zombie genre, and we want to encourage writers to explore whatever ideas and possibilities they can come up with. If you have any questions on whether or not your idea "counts" you can ask them here.

3. When does the fest begin?

Round 2014 Prompt submitting runs: Easter Sunday April 20th through Sunday April 27th
Round 2014 Prompt claiming runs: Monday April 28th through Monday May 5th
Round 2014 Fics are due by: Wednesday June 18th, and posting will begin shortly after

3a. What are the story/fandom/prompting guidelines?

This is a multi-fandom and/or original fiction fest. That's right, absolutely any fandom at all, including RPF, or your very own original characters. Just thrown into a zombie-infested world.

3b. How does prompt submitting work?

The prompting post will be open for 2 weeks. During that time you can submit as many prompts as you like. Prompt submission is open to all, whether you intend to write fic or not. You do not have to join the community to leave prompts, and you can also leave prompts anonymously. ETA: Revising format. Will be included in prompting post.

3c. How does prompt claiming work?

After the two weeks, the prompting post will be closed and the mods will put up a master list of all prompts. The claiming post will then be open for the next two weeks. Anybody can claim up to TWO prompts, and all prompts can be claimed an unlimited number of times. You can also claim back your own prompts.

After the official fest period is over, we'll do an open amnesty in the comm for anyone who wants to write extras, or didn’t finish on time. So if you see more than two prompts you like, you’re very welcome to go ahead and write them, and you will get the chance to post them here - but for the fest itself, two is the maximum.

3d. Are there any content restrictions?

We're going to go with "No" for now, but that is subject to change should the need arise. Mods reserve the right to exclude any prompt from the final list, or to exclude/delete/place restrictions on any finished fics, for any reason, and our decision on such matters will be final.

4. When is the deadline for completed fics?

Round 2014 - All stories must be submitted to the mods by Wednesday June 18th. That gives writers 6 1/2 weeks after prompt claiming closes in which to write their fics and get them beta read. Using a beta is strongly encouraged.

5. Is there a minimum word count?

Fics must be at least 500 words long. There is no maximum word count, as long as you get it done on time.

6. How will the fics be posted?

Round 2014 - Once the mods receive a finished copy of your story, you will be assigned a posting date. The assigned dates will span 2 weeks, and we want to be able to fill the whole 2 weeks. So the 1st person to turn in a story will be assigned day 1, the next person on day 2, and so on and so forth. When the whole 2 weeks have at least one fic assignment, we'll go back to the beginning. (Last year, being my first time ever running a fest, it became a bit of a shuffling nightmare trying to predict how many people would finish on time, so I hope this new way works for everyone.)

You can post directly to the comm, or in your own journal or site, and post a link here. There is a posting and header guideline, including warning policies and such, that must be followed. Once your fic is posted to this comm (or linked at this comm) you can go ahead and crosspost to whatever other comms you like. We ask that when you post elsewhere you mention zombi_fic_ation and that your story was written for Zombie Fest. The more we advertise the fest, the more people we might get to play next year!

SEE ALSO: the posting guidelines including headings, ratings, and warnings policies, and the tags page.

ETA: Actual FAQs.

1. Can we write with a co-author?
Yes! Absolutely. However, each of you still only get to claim TWO prompts for the fest. If you claim one jointly, then each of you has one claim left.

2. Is there an embargo on posting elsewhere first?
Yes. All fics posted to this community must be NEW and written using one of the fest's prompts. We will not accept any fics that have been previously posted elsewhere. After you've posted here on your assigned posting day, then of course you can post your fic anywhere else that you want.

3. Can two prompts be combined into one fic?
Yes! If both prompts are in the same fandom (or any/original) and can be incorporated into one story without overtly contradicting one another, then yes we allow it. (Examples: 2 Black Books prompts, 1 Black Books + 1 any fandom prompts, 2 any/original prompts.) But you can still only claim two prompts for the official fest period.

4. Can I write multiple fics for the same prompt?
Yes! All prompts can be claimed an unlimited number of times and we encourage you to write as many stories as you want. During the fest period you can still claim TWO prompts, as long as you believe you can complete a fic for each of them. If you happen to have multiple ideas for the same prompt, you only have to claim it once and we'll only expect one fic from you. Any additional fics for that prompt will be considered a bonus!

ANY OTHER QUESTIONS can be asked here, or contact the mods via PM (undeadhead_mod) or email (zombificationmods@gmail).

!faq, !!mod-post

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