021. 100, the -- any characters/pairings -- A virus spreads on the Ark, but it's not like anything they've ever seen before. People start dropping like flies but... they don't stay dead.
022. 100, the -- Clarke, Japser/Monty, Finn, Octavia, any others -- There are people on Earth when they land... but they're not exactly alive (Grounders=zombies AU)
023. 2 Broke Girls -- Max, Caroline -- are zombie hipsters better or worse than live ones?
024. A Song of Ice and Fire -- Lady Stoneheart, Walder Frey -- Lady Stoneheart gets her revenge.
025. A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones -- White Walkers, any characters --The ice zombies known as the White Walkers come back whenever winters in this world are long and hard, and they hunt and kill humans in ritualistic ways. Why?
026. Adventures of Brisco County Jr. -- Brisco and Dixie -- Naturally, Dixie has a few zombie friends, too.
027. Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. -- Any -- The poster had said the guy was wanted dead or alive. At the moment though, he appeared to be a little bit of both, which might make collecting that $2000 bounty a little more difficult than usual, especially with the way that his condition seems to be contagious.
028. Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. -- Lord Bowler -- Bowler can read tracks like a book, and this set is telling him that it was made by the walking dead.
029. Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. -- Pete Hutter -- Rumors of Pete's survival were greatly exaggerated, but it was an excusable mistake considering he was still walking, talking, and robbing trains. [FILLS: True Zombie Tales of the Old West]
030. Almost Human -- Any -- Deactivated MXs are somehow coming back to life, assaulting the Delta City PD What DO?!!
031. Almost Human -- Dorian -- those memories Rudy discovered in Dorian's processor? There's a dark secret about 'synthetic souls'.
032. American Gods -- Zombie!Laura -- Laura drinks the special coffee featured in Neil Gaiman's "Bitter Grounds." (REPOST 2012 82.)
033. American Horror Story: Coven -- Any -- "The dead are walking!" "Huh, must be Wednesday."
034. Angel: the Series -- Angel, Connor -- Zombie dragons (Repost 2013 041.)
035. Ashes to Ashes -- Alex, Molly -- Instead of going into the Pub, Alex makes one more last ditch effort to wake up, and she succeeds, sort of.
036. Atelier Series -- Any Alchemist -- Crafting the zombie cure
037. Avengers (1960’s TV) -- John Steed & Emma Peel -- “Mrs. Peel, we’re wanted. To deal with zombies.”
038. Avengers (1960’s TV)/Man From U.N.C.L.E./ CROSSOVER -- Illya Kuryakin/Emma Peel -- “Is this your first time dealing with zombies?”
039. Banshee -- any -- The show is set deep in the heart of Romero country: what does it look like when the living dead come to Banshee?
040. Big Bang Theory -- any characters -- The guys think they're prepared for the zombie apocalypse. They're not. (REPOST round 2013, 058.)
041. Big Bang Theory -- Bernadette's not about to tell the others that the zombies are a result of a lab accident - at her lab. (Use Amy instead of Bernie if you'd like.) (Repost 2013 059.)
042. Blake's 7 -- Blake, Avon, any -- After Gauda Prime, The Revelution lives again, sort of.
043. Blake's 7 -- Servalan, Avon -- Avon discovers just how Servalan survived Liberator's destruction.
044. Blake’s 7 -- Ensemble -- Cally comes back after Terminal. Hungrier. And still with her telepathy. (Repost 2013 065.)
045. Body of Proof -- an A/U of the epidemic episode in which the victims start reanimating as zombies. (REPOST round 2012, 107.)
046. Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Giles+Ethan -- Back in the day, they literally raised the dead.
047. Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Joyce Summers -- Dawn didn't banish undead Joyce in time.
048. Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Kendra -- After Druscilla killed Kendra, another supernatural being (human necromancer, demon, or otherwise) has decided a zombie Slayer is too good to pass up. Too bad they didn't realize that Slayers don't come back as "normal" zombies.
049. Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Willow's spell to bring Buffy back to life didn't go quite as planned. (REPOST 2012 114.)
050. Buffyverse -- Buffy + any -- Buffy mostly came back right... mostly (Repost 2013 083.) [ Building Character]
052. Buffyverse or Angel -- any -- zombies, Sunnydale style. How would season two Buffy handle it? How would pre-Connor Angel?
053. Buffyverse/Burn Notice CROSSOVER -- Any+Any -- A zombie uprising brings everyone to the party.
054. Burn Notice -- Any -- "who let the zombie call shotgun?"
055. Burn Notice -- Any -- Four zombie traps that fail and one that wildly succeeds, complete with Michael-esque narration of the build process. (Repost 2013 088.)
056. Burn Notice -- Michael, Sam, Fiona and/or Jesse -- they were always ready for a zombie outbreak in South Florida. (Repost 2013 089.)
057. Burn Notice -- Michael/Fiona, Ensemble -- Simon’s Bible is more than just a decoder, it also raises the dead.
058. Burn Notice -- Sam+Any (or ensemble) -- Sam knows an amazing amount of zombie lore - which comes in handy when they rise in Miami. (Repost 2013 090.)
059. Burn Notice -- Sam+Jesse -- (Post series) They’ll need all of Sam’s contacts to deal with a zombie invasion.
060. Burn Notice/Buffyverse CROSSOVER -- Any+Any -- A zombie uprising brings everyone to the party.
061. Calvin and Hobbes -- Susie, Calvin, Hobbes -- Living near to Calvin turns out to have left Susie prepared for *anything* (Repost 2013 094.) [FILLS: Always Told Her]
062. Candle Cove -- Janice, Pirate Percy, Horace Horrible, the Skin-Taker -- For a kid's puppet show in the 1970s, the zombie episode looked awfully real. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DarthWiki/CandleCove) (REPOST 2013 095.)
063. Castle -- Any -- Castle's new book series is about zombies. And partly based on true events.
064. Castle -- Castle, Beckett -- their murderer is a zombie.
065. Castle -- Castle/Beckett -- Castle tried to tell them why the victims brains were missing, but by the time they started to listen, it was an epidemic. (REPOST round 2012, 128.)
066. Castle -- Rick+Beckett+Ryan+Esposito -- a zombie attack on the precinct and Gates turns out to be badass in a zombie fight.
067. Chronicles of Narnia -- Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Aslan, the White Witch -- After killing Aslan, the White Witch broke her word and killed Edmund as well. When Aslan came back from the dead, so did Edmund--but not all the way
068. Commericals: Progressive/Allstate -- Flo and Mayhem -- Insurance for Zombie Encounters.
069. Criminal Minds -- Reid -- When the dead come knocking, Reid assumes he's actually gone mad. Unfortunately, he's still sane, and it's the rest of the world that's crazy.
070. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation -- ensemble -- Murder victims aren't supposed to get up and shamble away. They also aren't supposed to go after their killers.
071. Dead Like Me -- George, Rube, Mason, Roxy, Daisy, Crystal, Delores -- a rogue Reaper is taking souls well before their time, leaving their human bodies wandering around empty, hollow, and hungry. Rube assembles his crew to clean up the mess. Mason argues that this isn't their area, Roxy is a badass, and George just wanted a day off work. (Repost 2013 111.)
072. Deadwood -- Any -- A deadlier and less natural sort of plague has come to Deadwood. It's going to take more than a quarantine tent to get through this one.
073. Discworld -- DEATH, Reg Shoe -- DEATH is rather intrigued by the idea of zombie rights.
074. Doctor Who -- any Doctor, any companion(s) -- The Doctor and his friends have to face living dead out Gallifreyan legend...or should that be "Gallifreyan history"?
075. Doctor Who -- Any Doctor/Any Companion -- When the zombie-apocalypse strikes earth the Doctor’s doing his best to find a cure. He’s sure Time Lords can’t be infected, but his body could analyse the virus, if he just can get himself bitten by one…
076. Doctor Who -- any UNIT personnel -- The Doctor is MIA, leaving UNIT to face the zombie apocalypse on their own. (Repost 2013 117.)
077. Doctor Who -- Daleks, zombies, and zombie Daleks (REPOST 2013 118.)
078. Doctor Who -- Donna -- SuperTemp vs. the zombies! (REPOST 2013 119.)
079. Doctor Who -- Donna/Ten -- zombie Rose (REPOST round 2012, 168.) [FILLS: She has returned]
080. Doctor Who -- He thought he survived his partial regeneration in Journey's End, but after everyone's gone, the Doctor starts feeling really weird. (REPOST round 2012, 179.)
081. Doctor Who -- Sarah Jane/Brigadier fight zombies at UNIT during the period of time before the Doctor returns from Metebelis Three in Planet of the Spiders. Life or death situation smoochies if possible. Slow moving zombies preferable. (Repost 2012 171.)
082. Doctor Who -- WarDoctor/Any -- During the Time War, Time Lords are not up against Daleks but zombies.
083. Dresden Files -- [Link to spoiler] Sue the Tyrannosaurus Rex & any other characters -- Zombies don't need to hear drums simulating a heartbeat the second time around.
084. Dresden Files -- Any -- Meet the Jiang-shi--otherwise known as the Jade Court. They're both vampires AND zombies. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiang_Shi) (REPOST 2013 128.)
085. Dresden Files -- Harry Dresden, Any -- "Undead Vikings. Sadistic, super-strong, intelligent, undead Vikings. Did I mention that they can change size at will?" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draugr#Traits) (REPOST 2013 129.)
086. Dresden Files -- Harry Dresden, Any -- Harry knows all about zombies from horror movies; he's even fought that type on occasion. But ro-langs aren't your traditional Western zombies. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ro-langs) (REPOST 2013 130.)
087. Dresden Files -- Harry, Mab, Molly, Titania, Aurora -- [Link to spoiler] A zombified faerie queen is fucking dangerous. So is the insane but still living faerie queen who brought her daughter back as a zombie.
088. Dresden Files -- The Archive (Ivy)+Any -- Ivy has all the information on how to deal with a zombie apocalypse. The problem is getting past Zombie!Kincaid to reach her.
089. Elfen Lied -- any characters -- The Diclonius can be killed...but unless their bodies are completely destroyed, they always come back.
090. Emelan -- any character(s) -- Neither academic magic nor ambient magic are supposed to have power over death. So where are all the lichs and revenants coming from?
091. Ever After High -- Any Characters -- Raven not signing the Book of Legends unleashed the zombie apocalypse
092. Evil Dead Series -- Ash -- By the second week of the zombie apocalypse, Ash was beginning to miss the conversational abilities of the Deadites. [FILLS: Post-Modern Babble On]
093. Evil Dead Series -- Ash -- dealing with demons and zombies at the same time's a piece of cake...well, only if you're Ash Williams.
094. Exit Humanity -- any -- In the sequence about the scrolls, it's indicated that they'd been used to call up the dead a number of times throughout human history. Tell the story of any of these pre-1860 zombie outbreaks.