OK, OK... I'm building a raft! And every girl wants a Rockstar, and every little piece of trash on the Tv screen... i' m going to be a Robin Black groupie.. and travel with them... and that's how my career as a contortionist will spark.. and then i'lll go on to star in a chic Russian soap opera.....
i'm still alive. it is very cold here, i bought a coat. i' going to school soon. i'm going ot my real school february 1. i really have to go now, but MOTLEY CRUE sunday at the corel centre. fuck i have to go now.
party at princess bay wasn't that bad.. i had fun.. until i puked so much that i cried. there were so many girls from wellington east that i used to be hang out with.. crazy. i knew most of the people there. proud am i. and we went to punkfest today, that turned out pretty fun.