Title: Not a Zombie
chibifukurouFandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Jack+Ten+River
Prompt:Doctor Who, Jack/Ten/River, "Jack is NOT a zombie, please remember not to kill him...again!"
The gunshot really shouldn't have surprised him. River could be a very violent women when left to her own devises. And Jack, well Jack was Jack.
The Doctor stuck his head out of the Tardis door and found River standing over Jack, who was prone on the hub floor. "River, I asked you to put that gun away."
"He was dead. He was dead and he came back. I thought you said this place was safe."
"It is safe, the safest place in twenty-first century London. Now will you PLEASE put that gun away?"
"I'm not putting my gun away while there is a zombie laying on the floor."
"Jack is NOT a zombie, please remember not to kill him…"
Jack sat up with a gasp.
River shot him in the head again.
"…again. River!"
"He got up after I shot him in the head. Do you believe me that he's a zombie now?"
The Doctor ran a hand across his jaw and through his hair. "That's not because he's a zombie. That's just Jack being, well Jack. Now hand me the gun."
"Why, it's not like you'll shoot him."
"Which is why I want you to give me the gun, now PLEASE," the Doctor held out a hand.
"I realize that you hate guns, Doctor, but this is hardly the time."
"It's exactly the time." He motioned towards her gun again.
"Fine, I won't shoot him - yet. But I'm keeping my gun."
This time when Jack sat up, it was with a groan. He rested his head in his hand for a moment before looking up and giving River an appreciative look over. "Well, hello there."
"Not now, Jack." the Doctor said.
"He talked! How can he be talking? Zombies don't talk."
"I told you he's not a zombie. Jack behave."
Jack gave the Doctor his best innocent look from where he'd been leaning over to kiss River's hand. "What? It's not every day you bring a beautiful women to my hub, and let her shoot me in the head. You owe me at least a few kisses."
"Fine, but you owe me, for this. So why did you come to see me?" Jack asked, becoming all business.
"Well, you see there's a zombie apocalypse in the near future and we could really use your help."