xName: Kay.
xAge: I'm twenty years old, hurrah!
xLocation: Lansing, Michigan.
xFave Bands: SlipKnot, American Head Charge, Combichrist, & Pink Floyd.
xFave Songs: Just So You Know - American Head Charge
xFave Flims (non-horror): Anchor Man, The Little Mermaid, Party Monster, etc.
xFave T.V. Shows: Erm, I don't watch much TV. Rots the brain, unless it's cartoons.
xFave Actor/Actress: Christina Ricci, Thora Birch, & Crispin Glover.
xFave Drink(Alcoholic or Non): I like anything with Jager, and soda. MMM CAFFIENE.
xFave Clothing Brand: Tripp, or anything random that looks pretty.
xDrugs? Alcohol? Cigarettes?: Drugs. I don't drink often,
and I don't smoke cigarettes. YIKES.
No hardcore drugs either.
Certain mind altering substances I do fancy.
xTattoos/Piercings/Various Mods?: ATM for tattoos I have a red&blk star on my left wrist.
A bass cleft heart on my inner right arm,
and the begging to my chest piece- wonderful Lenore holding up knives.
=D She'll getcha.
As for piercings, they change often.
I have my medusa, tongue, labret, double eyebrow, nipples, & 2g ears.
xSomething you wear everyday: PJ PANTS!
xSomething you wear for shows/pics/dates etc: Always bracelets.
xBest item you've ever bought (clothes/accessories/shoes etc.): My skeleton socks, cause they keep my feetsies warm.
xPost a Picture of that one thing you are DYING to have and tell us why:
I've been wanting these for a looong time.
My old boots are rotting, falling apart,
I thought bright pink would be a kick ass replacement.
xWhat does your room look like?: A teeny bopper room.
Walls are still riddled from what left over of my teen years,
metal and numetal posters every where.
No change because I'm waiting on a move,
that and I think I'll miss my childhood.
- BUT here is a picture so you get the idea.
Tis a whole in the wall!
Ignore their big heads. lol.
xFave Horror Movie and Why?:Return of the Living Dead.
xFave Horror Icon and Why?: George A Romero, come on now...
He wrote wonderful zombie movies,
this is a given.
xLast Horror Movie You've Seen: Saw II.
xHorror Movie You Would Like To Remake Yourself: Return of the Living Dead 4 & 5.
xWhat Is The Main Thing You Would Improve On In This Film?: Acting.
Damn you sci-fi channel for even airing them.
xHorror Movie You Would Like To See As A Remake And By Whom If Possible: Clive Barker should redo his own Night Breed.
xWhat makes you a ZomBie KiTTen or Kat?: Hmmm. My style (it changes too often),
being a female with a voice. Oh yes.
This plays a big part.
xDid you read the rules? Yep. I'm good like that.
xDo you own a webcam/digicam? Both, actually I just got my own Digicam and am in love with it.
xAre you gonna post more pics? If I get accepted, then yes.
xYou gonna vote? Yeah.
xParticipate in Theme Week? Possibly.
xApply for Contests? Sure. Who doesn't like contests? =D
Post some pics showing us your ZomBie KiTTenness... Please no photoshopping or weird angles.
We'd like to see at LEAST 3 good pics but more is always better! Show off that killer outfit, hair or makeup!
Me, being weird with my bass.
Supporting the living dead.
Amused by webcam.
Pinky McGee.
I fit into compact spaces, lol.
Messing with webcam, again.
Post a 200x200 icon of yourself for the member page: