Sep 02, 2005 00:19
You hide all your emotions from all
You have been streched as far you could be
You ask yourself "am I happy"
You turn the lights on to earse your pain written all over the walls
but I'll take my chances with you
Aug 16, 2005 21:32
I heard you die
I watched you bleed
I just saw your pain through your eyes
I tried my harest to just forget
because of you I'm ashame of myself
Misery is what my life has become just aim and fire to let me be at peace finally
Aug 13, 2005 23:18
From a distance you look like my friend, but then I get closer and see the truth
Aug 13, 2005 03:05
All I wanted to do was hang out with you today but you I guess I'm not good enough for you to hang out with me
I just wanted to feel wanted for one day but you just forgot about me but I didn't. It hurt more then you'll ever know, you'll never know how alone I ever feel but it's too late the damage is done, and pain has left its mark upon me..
Aug 13, 2005 03:04
Walking in the darkness in a daze and then the rain starts falling on my head like a memmory
As I try to find my dreams I count the falling tears seams like a thousand years since I've been lost.
Out of the back you falls back into time
As you were rising I was falling
Aug 13, 2005 00:58
If you knew you would die today would you change
If you know you would be alone being rite or being wrong would you change
If hard times came and broke you down
what chain reaction would make you forgive and forget
Live for the moment but mainly live for yourself
Aug 04, 2005 18:30
sometimes you wonder if all this fighting and makeing up is really worth it,all I can tell you to do is to listen to your heart
I try to hold on to a time when nothing mattered, I sceam but noone hears me as the night goes on
Aug 02, 2005 02:01
I know you the real you, not the one you show everyone else you show me the true you
Aug 02, 2005 01:45
Stuck into this space in the wall where noone takes notice of me, but as try and free myself the air grows cold around my wall, time has and will pass on but yet noone will catch me or leand a helping hand, unless they need something..
Aug 02, 2005 00:57
in a blink of your eye everything has changed from good to bad to horrible but you didn't think it could get any worse, but then you blinked and again you are confussed and unsure how it all happened