Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M)

Jun 11, 2004 20:06

I despair of people sometimes, I really do. (Beware; HUGE beyond emo psycho bitch rant with violence aplenty &lashings of blood ahead. Do NOT read on if you're of a sensitive disposition, don't like animal cruelty, or don't want to think about the consequences of me being able to carry a knife in my bag for when people piss me off)

I get into town intent on buying some soya milk &other stuff, a few vitamin &mineral supplements &spagetti to make a nice bolognese for myself, &I've never known anyone have so much bother just procuring a few bits &bobs of food. I get to 53rd &3rd (I was passing there anyway so I thought I'd say hi to Laura), &was reading the paper when I came across a news story entitled "Yobs Put Live Rabbit in Microwave", complete with graphic picture of some poor woman's kitchen where all this happened, splattered with food &what I can only assume is the rabbit's blood. Apparently this woman had gone on holiday for a weekend &was broken into. The burglars (henceforth to be known as total &utter fucking barbaric CUNTscumfucks of death) had taken a rabbit from someone else's garden (&probably some kid's fucking cherished family pet to boot) into this woman's house, tortured it, then put it in the microwave, alive. They then proceeded to smear blood &food all over the house, stamped her pet goldfish into the ground &put her two childrens' toys in the fishbowl.

Now, why the FUCK would someone do that? I don't care what reasons anyone gives, so I don't know why I'm asking that, there is NO excuse on God's green &fucking unpleasant land why the hell someone should treat innocent creatures in this way. I hope they find whoever's done this &throw away the fucking key.

I felt sick after I read that, literally I thought I was going to throw up, so I got some water from Laura. We did have some interesting discussions about what we'd do to them if we caught them; my favourite was to feed them, slowly, feet first into a meat grinder. As long as they didn't die of shock or blood loss first.

Anyway, I went to try &find dairy alternatives to milk &stuff, &I managed to find Alpro soya milk in Tescos, which was only £1.27 for a litre, which isn't too bad, &it's really quite nice &sweet too, so I'd probably need less milk &sugar with tea &stuff than I usually do. My main weakness with dairy is milky tea &coffee, &yogurt. So I found that &went to see what veggie food Tesco's &Iceland do, then to Holland &Barrett to find out if they sell dairy alternatives. &I'm guessing they usually do, because I got some chocolate soya milk there once that was lovely. :) They didn't have anything today though, one of their freezers was broken though, plus I found out that veggiemince is about ten times more expensive there than Tescos.

So I went back to Tescos &got some milk &some spagetti, &some dried fruit, then when I was walking to the bus stop, some fucking wanker charv with his equally charver-ish family (plus kids, no the fucking wonder people grow up to think torturing animals &beating up people who are "weird" is OK when parents go on like this in front of their bairns) comes up to me &goes, "urgh!" in my face. Which of course I wasn't expecting, so I nearly jumped out my skin. Stupid cunt. I wouldn't have minded so much if he wasn't with kids, I mean fucking hell, his bairns are going to think that that's OK, to walk up to someone &start shouting in their face just because you think it might be funny or you don't like the look of them. Scumfuck.

I get to the bus stop just in time to get the twenty past bus so I don't have to wait until half past to get the next one &risk having to sit on the bus with a load of schooly charv twats. &there was a huge big queue with two charv girls in it who kept turning round, staring &giggling at me. Now buy this time I had had more than enough of people altogether, &to top it off, one of the lads who used to pick on me in school &who thought it was clever to push me down the stairs &try &kick the shit out of me even though I was tiny (oh yeh, you're a fucking BIG man you are, starting fights with a fucking little girl, misogynistic neanderthal twat that you are) was in the bus queue with his girlfriend's dad, who was giving me dirty looks for no reason. &then my bus turns up &I get to the front of the queue only to realise the bus is packed &I have to stand even though my feet are killing me.

Cue the most fucking horrible bus ride I've ever had, like everything I absolutely hate about life rolled into one convenient little human sardine can with wheels. There were kids sitting in seats &elderly people standing (I fucking hate this; old people do get on my tits sometimes, but there's a reason that children pay a reduced fare on buses; they're supposed to stand for people who NEED seats, like old people who can't stand for a half fucking hour bus ride, plus the parents can sit their kids on their knee, surely. My mum did with me, plus there was none of this fucking lowliner bus crap where people could just sit around clogging the fucking bus up with pushchairs. When I was a bairn my mam used to have to fold my buggy up &sit me on her knee, then more people can sit down. Lowliner buses really get on my nerves sometimes; those spaces should be reserved for wheelchairs or not there at all-people use those fucking buggies as battering rams anyway instead of treating other people in the street as human beings who don't deserve to be run over by them, without taking up bus space!!! Grrrr... PLUS, I've even seen people with wheelchairs get turned away from buses because there are already buggies on. I mean, excuse me, those people are fucking disabled, not too lazy to fold up a frigging pushchair for fuck's sake!!!), two other charvs giving me dirty looks, &I'm trying to stay squashed into a space the size of a shoebox without screaming "get me the fuck off this thing!"

&the saga doesn't end for a good long while yet, so go get a cuppa &I'll still be here raging against the, well, everything really :P.

Then my Skinny Puppy tape refuses to work, so none of the strangely calming effects of Ogre's voice for me, THEN the bus driver decides to slam the brakes on, so everyone standing on the bus gets thrown practically through the windscreen. Lovely. I always wanted to be flung through a plate glass window. ::rolls eyes::
A few people got off, meaning I'm no longer squashed in a shoebox-sized space, haha, but there's still bloody kids sitting where I could be :P (bear in mind my feet are killing me &I spent over £100 on a travel pass so I could actually TRAVEL instead of be slowly tortured :P) &some stupid bint with a huge backpack gets on &decides to stand beside me, even though she could be standing in one of the spaces over the other side of the bus out of the way. NO, stupid cow decides she's going to stand beside me, &knock me with this retarded fucking bag of hers everytime the bus moves, &all to coo over a fucking BABY!!! Have you never fucking seen a brat before? They scream, they cry, they dribble &they get on my fucking nerves, what is so great about them? Please, someone tell me why most women seem to feel the need to act like they've never seen a bloody BABY before?!??!!??!?!? We get pre-fucking-programmed from birth to want the fucking things, it's not like you have no idea what one looks like or what it does! But no, if it's a choice between cooing over some little crying brat in a pram ¬ pissing off people who've paid for the "privilege" of travelling on public transport, guess what they choose? UGH!!!! Fucking UGH!!!!

So there was that, then the woman who was responsible for this stupid brat gets off the bus, &while she's getting off &I'm trying desperately to not get run over by this thing, the stupid BITCH runs over my fucking foot! Ironically enough, this little schooly who'd got on &stood beside me accidentally knocks me &says, "I'm sorry". Nearly made up for all the other people who have no fucking idea how to treat someone, that did. So I finally get a seat, then just as we're near my stop, this fucking snotty old bastard woman gets off &starts staring down her bleeding nose at me. Fucking stuck up twat.

Anyway, buses suck, public transport REALLY fucking SUCKS, most people suck &should just fucking die right now, animal cruelty sucks times infinity, &I'm going to shut up now.
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