I'm looking at the main page of your LJ and your dA account. Where's the link to your comic? If I'm just missing it and it is there, then make a nice banner to have as a header for every journal entry so it's obvious.
That's really the only reason I have for not reading it: it's not in my face. I like free shit, but I'm an internet person. I'm lazy. Bookmark it? Well, yes, it's there, but so are a bazillion other links I've bookmarked.
Keep your updating the same, keep going with what works for you, but advertise more! More linkage on dA, maybe a Twitter account to put up a notice when updates are made. Get it in peoples faces.
I don't want to be annoying with links everywhere over and over ha ha ha. I don't really know what makes people click links either, like I had banners up for all my publications on my old DA and that didn't seem to make anyone click them XD
I suppose another simple, not so overbearing method would be something like what this chick does ---> http://introducingemy.deviantart.com/art/Trying-Human-150465238 She updates that and it pops up in my message center whenever there's an update. And she has it front and center on her main dA page.
You don't have to have links everywhere, but I couldn't immediately find SHC. I followed the link from your poll. All of the comics I read I either follow from a link on dA or follow via RSS feeds on my iPhone. So... I'm going to stop now because I'm not offering any solutions. ^_^;;;
Someone else mentioned her way of doing it and I suppose I could do the same, it seems silly to advert a new page each week, but I guess if it works, it works~
I've been checking it every week, and I think unless you posted to "hey! new chapter up!" I'd probably miss updates if you only did it every couple months. I like the updates once a week on mondays thing. It works for me.
I like it being free atm. XD I think it might just take a bit of time to build a readership (the comic was on hiatus for bit...) You'd probably get even more people willing buy print copies then. I'd like to see it advertised a bit more too. I was trying to find a link while on a friends computer to show her and.... fail! I think if you add a banner to DA and link off here, that'd even be enough, and not too IN YOUR FACE.
I read it every time I get a twitter update about a new page ^^ and I think the schedule is fine :D I could maybe see doing like say Starfighter and making a print version available for purchase after each chapter or a collection of so many chapters.
Well, I honestly don't keep track of the frequency since I follow a lot on twitter XD but it seems to be doing a pretty good job. Don't think I've missed a page yet :D
Yeah there's one there but it's only on the news page, I put it in the menu at the top of the page so it shows up on every page you load, tell me if that's easier to find.
Comments 34
I'm looking at the main page of your LJ and your dA account. Where's the link to your comic? If I'm just missing it and it is there, then make a nice banner to have as a header for every journal entry so it's obvious.
That's really the only reason I have for not reading it: it's not in my face. I like free shit, but I'm an internet person. I'm lazy. Bookmark it? Well, yes, it's there, but so are a bazillion other links I've bookmarked.
Keep your updating the same, keep going with what works for you, but advertise more! More linkage on dA, maybe a Twitter account to put up a notice when updates are made. Get it in peoples faces.
I suppose another simple, not so overbearing method would be something like what this chick does ---> http://introducingemy.deviantart.com/art/Trying-Human-150465238 She updates that and it pops up in my message center whenever there's an update. And she has it front and center on her main dA page.
You don't have to have links everywhere, but I couldn't immediately find SHC. I followed the link from your poll. All of the comics I read I either follow from a link on dA or follow via RSS feeds on my iPhone. So... I'm going to stop now because I'm not offering any solutions. ^_^;;;
I like it being free atm. XD I think it might just take a bit of time to build a readership (the comic was on hiatus for bit...) You'd probably get even more people willing buy print copies then. I'd like to see it advertised a bit more too. I was trying to find a link while on a friends computer to show her and.... fail! I think if you add a banner to DA and link off here, that'd even be enough, and not too IN YOUR FACE.
umm, yeah. there's my two cents.
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*goes to look it up*
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