(no subject)

Oct 20, 2003 20:45

Wow, it has been a really long time since I last posted.
I have done so much since then. I only wish I had the
memory I used to, so I could remember everything in
good detail.

One of the things I attended recently
was a Pirate Party on Talk Like A Pirate Day. That
was a great night of old friends and long talks. I really
enjoyed seeing all of the people I used to hang out with.
It was also really cool seeing all of the random people
dressed in their finest pirate attire. James, another
friend I haven't seen in a long while, hosted the party.
He had a Jolly Roger mowed into his back lawn, it was
really hard to see by the time we made it to the party,
but it was still really neat.

I have also attended a wedding in Dallas, for friends,I
met through zombienought. One of which, got me the
Typing of the Dead game for my birthday. The wedding
was very nice.

The weekend started with friday night, the
bachlorette party, starting with cool asian food, then moving
on to La Bare, the not so cool ladies club. I was surprised
to see that the dancers had choreographed dances together.
After the strip club we went back to the bride and grooms
house, sat around, had more to drink, talked about all kinds
of things, including women exams etc..

Saturday was the dress rehearsal, I went and watched,
afterwards we all went to a great dinner at Johnny Carinos,
provided by the bride and groom. We had much to drink and
to eat, and were merry :).

Sunday, the wedding day, we got up and got ready for the
wedding, zombienought dressed in a very sexy suit, and me
in a very cute formal that I managed to snag for eight dollars
at a thrift store. I felt a little over-dressed in comparison to
many of the other guests. The ceremony was short and sweet,
then they did photos of the wedding party, so I slipped out and
took a few myself. All of this was followed by a cajun spiced dinner,
margaritas and champaign. zombienought and I tried dancing
together for the first time and figured out that we need to work on it.
Mostly I need to remember not to lead and that he is left handed. We
sent the Bride and Groom off with bubbles.

Monday we had lunch with the few remaining guests and then met
up with a new photographer in Dallas. Then we made the trek back
home. I have probably missed some details, but most of you have
already read about this.

I have done much since then, doing more finishing touches on a film
I will be co-starring, hopefully to be released by Valentines Day. We
have also explored the Austin Farmer's Market.

I have been currantly wishing on a possible movie job, that seems to
be nothing more than one mans delusions. But I have been talking
with another model who is recruiting for a short film. That was all
supposed to take place this weekend but due to reasons, did not.
Although, we will be filming tomorrow night for another short.
This model has been also giving me leads to do more work and
talking to photographers to try and set up shoots for me. She
used to do the job that I do, and feels the need to get me out of
there. A need I am very grateful that she has!

This last week I finally received an e-mail from Godiva for a
free sample. I signed up last year around the same time.
So, on Friday night zombienought and I went to get our
free sample, we ended up buying more chocolate, then we
went to Central Market for Mead. We ended up not only
with mead but with Pumpkin Ale, pumpkin granola and
more mocha granola. We then ventured to the video store
to get Donnie Darko, only to find out that the one copy
that the store had was stolen. So we picked up Velvet
Goldmine, then headed home.

Saturday, we got up early and after breakfast,went to the
Farmers Market. We picked up more tamales, bread and
goat cheese. We also got a fresh coconut to drink and eat.
On the way home we stopped and picked up Pumpkins
for carving. We then watched Velvet Goldmine. A friend
came over and we carved our pumpkins, while drinking
the pumpkin ale. I ended up carving Sally's head from
The Nightmare Before Christmas, into my pumpkin.
I think it turned out really well! I hope to have pics to
show soon. Then I cleaned up and went to a birthday
party. I had a great time, I just wish I could stay up late.

Sunday, I slept in a bit, then got up to do the laundry.
After I finished with the laundry, I got ready and went
to a rehersal for the fashion show I will be in on friday.
Then zombienought and I went to dinner with his
sister and her boyfriend. The Zen on Anderson sucks!
After dinner we stopped and got pumpkin ice cream with
graham crackers crushed in and butter rum ice cream with
cold fudge swirled in. Then I cooked lots of food, packed
lunches and ironed dress shirts before heading for bed.

This week so far looks like it's going to be a mess! I have
things planned for every day after work! Today it was sewing,
tomorrow I will be filming, Wednesday we will be watching
a movie and possibly doing dinner with zombienought's
sister and her boyfriend, Thursday I have another practice
for the fashion show, and Friday is the fashion show! Somewhere
in all of that I have to get to the shoe place and pick out shoes
for the fashion show. I will also be working at another location
tomorrow morning and wednesday afternoon. So I guess I'll be
going to get the shoes wednesday on the way home from work.
Oh yeah, and on Saturday I have an interview in the afternoon.

Next weekend should be renfest all weekend! :) I can't wait!
Well, I think I have said all I can, and probably not as well as I
could have. Oh well! Thats me and my scatter brain! Now
off to wash off face mask, work out, shower and pick up the

A cool test found from drewid:

The Potion Makerzombienatium is a translucent, coarse mauve powder obtained from the feet of a murderer that eats a wolfsbane plant.zombienoughtium is a cloudy, frangible aquamarine solid gleaned from the heart of a Jabberwocky.Mixing zombienatium with zombienoughtium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque red potion which gives the user protection from prying eyes.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

The Potion Makerdrewidium is a cloudy, lumpy brown solid derived from the liver of a heffalump.zombienatium is a translucent, coarse mauve powder obtained from the feet of a murderer that eats a wolfsbane plant.Mixing drewidium with zombienatium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque magenta potion which gives the user protection from death.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern
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