Hey there...this is a 'story' I did a while ago, so I hope you all enjoy it. Who knows...someone might actually like it. hahahahahaa...ha...er...nevermind.
Anyway, it is a fan-fic with MCR characters, and a few original characters. Doctors and a female character. I think its pretty good, hope someone else will too. lol
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Comments 4
Again, thanks so much for reading.
Oh, you mean the lj-cut? Heh. I would be crap at trying to explain it myself, so I'll just direct you to the LJ FAQ on how to do it: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=75&q=cut&lang=
And next time I am at the book store I am deffinatly checking the book out.
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