This could be my longest LJ dry spell since I've started this journal. I've posted some tidbits here and there, but nothing of consequence for some time.
I haven't gotten many comments on my last few posts, which is probably to be expected since the content hasn't exactly been scintillating. But it also leads me to wonder if anyone's bothering to read anymore. I started this LJ with the expectation that I would just be writing for myself, basically using this as a personal journal. But just based on the way LJ is set-up, it morphed into more of an interactive thing, and I kind of miss that. I know I haven't been holding up my end of the bargain, not taking the time to do any detailed posts, and I've definitely been remiss in keeping up with everyone else's journals, with the exception of random comments when I have a chance to check my friends list. In any case...
Good mood today because I finally got around to starting up with guitar lessons. For the past decade or so, I've toyed with the idea of learning to play guitar. Whenever the idea comes up, I always think "I'm too old to be starting now." It's the same conversation in my head every time. But if I'd actually started learning or taking lessons when I first thought about it, I'd already be completely proficient by now. So I finally decided to get serious and just do it, coming to this decision after seeing "Basic Guitar" offered in a catalog of courses from the UCSD crafts center. I sent in my registration and was ready to go out and get a guitar this weekend when I got a call that the course was already filled. I was finally moved to take action, and it falls through. Typical, I thought, and figured that was the end of it. Then on Tuesday I get home from work and there's a message saying that there's another section being offered, and do I want to sign up for that. The rub is that the class starts the next day, and I have no guitar! Oh well, that sucks, nothing that can be done, right? Then today I start thinking. . . I call one of the pawn shops that I had looked into when I was planning to get my guitar last weekend, and they have some new guitars for $55 (!), but they close at 5 pm - after I get off work. For some reason, though, I've decided that I'm not going to accept defeat on this one, no matter what. So at lunch time, I get in the car and take off for the pawn shop to pick up my $55, made in China guitar, which will most likely melt if it gets wet or is exposed to sunlight. But now I had a guitar...and so I took my guitar - cardboard packaging and all - up to campus and had my first lesson tonight. Even though I felt like a giant dork walking into class with a guitar in a cardboard box, I couldn't have been more ecstatic to be there. And after I got home from class and had gone out for a beer with my sister, I spent an hour just playing the three chords I'd learned and dorking around. It was the best feeling in the world.