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Comments 33

honeyswallow December 8 2010, 21:32:57 UTC
Ich weiß net, mir tuts eher leid, dass er an seinem Geburtstag nix besseres vorgehabt hat... Meien Adresse hatte ich dir übrigens schon mal geschickt, brauchste sie nochmal?


zombiezahn December 8 2010, 21:43:04 UTC
Mh...Du hast schon recht, aber ich glaube, dass Goro, wenn er an dem Tag "nur" im SMAP-Shop vorbeischauen musste, eigentlich noch wenig zu tun hatte für einen Johnny (wenn man z.b. an Koichi denkt, der jedes Jahr zu seinem Geburtstag im Dauer-Konzerte-Stress ist...)

Die Adresse...*blinzel* kannst du sie mir vll noch mal schicken? Ich woll ja eig monstakarotte danach heimlich fragen (weil ich versehentlich all meine PMs gelöscht hab...) Dann bekommst du eine Weihnachtskarte ^^

(Es is sooo seltsam, mit dir auf deutsch zu schreiben XD)


monstakarotte December 8 2010, 21:53:00 UTC
my dear it's "Taiyou to sabaku no bara" XD
...sonst wären da zu viele Rosen in dem satz XD

...hm, es sin immerhin 5 songs, du könntest die sheets doch in die smasma community geben, vl freut sich wer?
ich zb *grad dl~de* ^^

was heißt hier strange?? smap aprons sin genial!!

and Goro-chan.... stay curly! ^^


zombiezahn December 8 2010, 23:02:17 UTC
omg...ich bin ein volltrottel - danke, wird ausgebessert XD

mhh...ich weiß net, ob ichs wirklich bei smasma posten soll. Irgendwie kommt mir vor, da passen die music sheets nicht hin @.@


jenny_kun December 8 2010, 23:33:53 UTC
now with the music sheet i think i will make my friend into making sotto kyutto for Ultrastar 8D hoho~


zombiezahn December 8 2010, 23:45:40 UTC
hihi~ I'm happy I could help you then ♥

But I really hope you can read everything, I think on the sotto kyutto sheet some notes are a bit hard to read due to the margin... -_-'


jenny_kun December 8 2010, 23:49:04 UTC

*looks closer* saa... well i think we will handle this somehow ;D

oh btw http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/6057/645bdb3cjw6dc3zgr8n60g.gifthe cutest gif i have seen today XDDDD i just have to spam somebody with it ;d sry for being the victim >XDD


zombiezahn December 8 2010, 23:57:37 UTC
I just finished THIS smasma episode!!! XD
The little girl was soooo~ cute, and you could really see a different behaviour of everyone because of her - especially Kimura. His reaction to her sneeze... *dies*

And (as you can guess) I'm happy to be your victim ^^


mini_micky December 9 2010, 00:26:08 UTC
Thank you so much!
I wanna tell him Happy Birthday in person too!! XD


zombiezahn December 9 2010, 00:40:00 UTC
oooh - I love that icon of yours XD

And you're welcome - I just hope you can read the accidentals (because on some sheets the sides are a bit hard to read...)


mini_micky December 9 2010, 00:59:32 UTC
There's too much epic in Nakai xD

I've checked it and completely readable. Except maybe Sotto Kyutto, but I bet it's not that hard to guess :)


zombiezahn December 9 2010, 01:02:51 UTC
I'm sorry for sotto kyutto, but this song was in the very middle of my song collection and I couldn't get the book to bend enought to scan the whole page without dismembering the book -_-

And you're totally right - Nakai is epic ^_^v


dictionarysays December 9 2010, 01:43:00 UTC

Hahah, but srsly, I would've sold my first born to be at the SMAP shop when our boys were there. ACTUALLY, I would've done that and more just to be at the SMAP shop at all. xDD

Oh, and thank you for the music sheets! I know what I'll be playing on the piano Christmas morning~~


zombiezahn December 9 2010, 13:17:32 UTC
I sooo agree with you - I'd sold practically EVERYTHING for meeting SMAP - especially if it involves the SMAP Shop *.*

I'm sooo devastated that I won't be able to go there myself (at least this year..) u(#.#)u

You're welcome - I hope you can decipher the parts at the margin >_


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