Bryce Andrew
August 22nd @ 39w 3d
7lbs 12 1/2oz & 21in
Apgar 8 & 9
Wednesday [the 20th] I had my 39 week prental appointment, I was 1cm and 60% effaced. The midwife warned that I'd probably bleed a little and well she was right and I had cramps and a horrible back ache. So after a few hours of bloody show I lost my mucous plug then I started having contractions, about 7-8 minutes apart. Then around 3am they were 5 minutes apart! I was completely freaked out I didn't even have my bag ready. So off to the hospital where I laid there for awhile, 1.5 cm still 60%. So they sent me home. I laid in bed miserable because I was exhausted and couldn't sleep because the contractions were just so frequent, not painful more like really annoying.
Thursday, finally 2 minutes apart. I was having a cup of coffee when I felt a little gush of fluid. I thought I peed myself until I went and checked. Nope, my water had broken!! So I sat around for awhile, had some breakfast then back to the hospital! The 45 minute ride to the hospital was horrible and the contractions hurt sooo bad. We get to the hospital at about 12pm and my MW comes and checks, indeed my water had broken. After about 9 hours of being in the hospital I only got to 2cm. Between the pain and the frustration from being so exhausted I just couldn't get past 2cm and still 60%. I just cried and wanted to go home! I discussed my options with my MW and my mom and went a head and got an epidural. The man who did it was so quick.
After the epidural kicked in at about 10pm I was able to sleep. It felt so good to just sleep. Around 1am I was checked again, 5cm 100% effaced! Back to sleep I went until 3am when I felt like I was going to poop. So I called for my nurse to tell her man I think I have to go to the bathroom, nope I was 10cm and he was +2. It was almost time! The MW asked if I was okay with getting some pitocin in my IV so that we could get this show on the road, I agreed. After an hour of the pitocin I really felt the urge to push. So at 4am I was allowed to start pushing. As I pushed the MW massaged me to help me stretch. After about 40 minutes of pushing I was freaking tired and ready give up. I pushed through one more contraction and out he came screaming his head off. She massaged my uterus for a minute and out plopped my placenta. After some inspection, it was discovered my placenta was starting to calcify. She stitched up my 2nd degree tear then I got to nurse him.
Birth didn't go at all the way I wanted but I'm okay with it.