It's a Kafele!Log

May 01, 2009 07:01

Characters: NPC!Kafele, a bunch of record execs, and mentions of IC!Pandora
Setting: Kafele's audition
Rating: G
Summary: Thanks to Mokuba's suggestions, Kafele decides he wants to be a rock star, so he auditions for a new band being formed by Pineapple Ring Records.

He was number 237.

Kafele didn’t look nearly as out of place as he felt. Most of the other people there looked to be about his pretend age and his pretend build. Many of them were warming up their voices, singing scales. Some were listening to music and lip-synching. A few were practicing some dance moves. They were all dressed in strange costumes. And for a moment, Kafele wished he hadn’t taken Mokuba’s advice on what to wear.

Before they started letting people in one by one, they made the announcement that people were to ‘stay in character’ throughout their audition, even when answering questions. Kafele wasn’t sure what that meant, but, feeling a little self-conscious, he poofed himself a black hooded robe, so he at least looked more like a spellcaster.

He waited in that line for hours. People went in, and they came out. They all looked pretty upset. And that made him even more nervous…

“Number 237?”

“Here!” Kafele raised his hand, and walked inside.

The room was like a theater, but it had a huge stage in front. There was a small table in the very front, where the record executives sat. The table was filled with notes and papers and discarded cups of coffee. They looked bored and kind of mean. Kafele just gulped.
“Go on stage…” the assistant whispered.

“oh… oh yeah.” Kafele pulled the hood over his head and whispered a spell. He disappeared from where he was standing, and reappeared on the stage. He pulled off his hood, and the entire robe disappeared.

The head exec spit coffee all over Kafele’s application. He suddenly didn’t look so bored anymore. In fact, none of them could figure out how the hell he’d gotten on stage without them seeing him.

“You… how did you…” they stammered. “You’re Kafele? Stage alias… the dark magician?”

“I am.”

“Okay, tell us why you’re here, Kafele. Why do you… want to be part of this band?”

The lights were really bright, and that made the record executives look like shadow creatures.

“oh, I’m just your average disembodied spirit, inhabiting a temporary body that my master created for me so I could experience a little sex, a little love and lot of rock and roll.”

The execs nodded a little, and muttered something in their small huddle.

“All right, then. We’ll turn on the music, and you can begin.”

“Wait!” Kafele shouted. “I want to set the scene first!”
The head executive slumped in his chair. They’d already had a slew of actor-types that started their audition with creative monologues. They’d already had a slew of the techy-types that went on and on about what type of lighting would best suit their character.

“Okay, get it overwith.”

Kafele moved his fingers, and suddenly, a mountain shot out of the ground behind him. Clouds filled the auditorium, and thunder roared. The stage went dark, illuminated with lightning. And a pair of giant serpents appeared over the executives’ heads. They looked like a cross between Apep and that snake that bit Mokuba’s penis, but in reality, they were just an illusion. Everything was.

Kafele began to sing the song he’d prepared. It was without accompaniment, but not without choreography.

As he sang, the serpents moved in to attack him. They swirled around him as he sang the verse. As he paused for breath, he deftly avoided their attacks. And as the chorus ended, he had peeled them both like bananas. The creatures disintegrated, and Kafele tossed the remaining dust over the auditorium as fireworks.

Everything disappeared, and the lights came back on. The executives were frozen, eyes open wide and jaws hanging slack. They didn’t, and probably couldn’t, say anything at all.

It was a couple nervous minutes for Kafele before one of them finally spoke.

“…That… wasn’t the audition song…”

“That was better than the audition song.” The head exec elbowed his associated. “I mean, I know we gave the audition song to all the agents so we wouldn’t have to sit through all those talentless slobs without agents. But THAT…”

He turned back to Kafele.

“How did you DO that?!”

“Magic.” Kafele crossed his arms smugly and grinned. “My master is one of the best sorcerers of all time, and he taught me everything he knows.”

Still in character. The execs blinked.

“We’d like you to come back in on Friday, and try out with the rest of the band we selected. “But this time, sing the actual audition song, all right? By the way, who’s your agent?”

Kafele froze. He had to think fast. Mokuba? No… he couldn’t walk up and down the red carpet or go get ice cream or go on dates with his agent. Mahaado? Ra forbid. That would just be a disaster. Did he know anyone in show business?

“Pandora Halliwell.” Kafele answered without much hesitation.

“Ah, the dried up stage magician. That makes a lot more sense now.”

“Guy can’t do good tricks anymore, but he sure knows how to pick ‘em.” Another exec muttered under his breath.

“oh, and um… could I have another copy of the music? I kinda threw it out when he suggested I do my own thing.” Kafele lied through his teeth.

“Sure thing.”

He pulled out his cell phone and called his assistant.

“Cyndi, I need another copy of the demo CD, ASAP.” He said into the phone. “Oh, and tell the entire special effects team for the DragonHeart project that they’re fired.”
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