(no subject)

Jul 13, 2006 15:35

I am sorry to say that I am feeling unmotivated lately... again.

Creatively I am in a rut. Nothing I produce is striking, or exciting, to me or anyone.

There's a ton of things I want to do, but I feel like I don't have the time to write / draw / sew / play / knit / design / study.

When I get home from work, I just sleep.
Loaf around.

The house is a totally gross mess, despite Jason's good efforts to correct it.

I need to get back on track- with everything.
With work.
The diet.
Becoming a nicer person.
Calling my friends.
Being a decent daughter / sister / girlfriend / friend / coworker / student.
Drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
Meeting deadlines.
Washing off my makeup before I fall asleep.
Fixing my website.
Cutting back on caffeine.
Reading my Actionscript book.
Paying my credit card bills.
Eliminating sugar from my diet.
Getting up before 10 AM for work.
Calling my Grandma.

Most of all, I really need to lighten up. I tell myself this about a hundred times a day.

Lighten up. Before you turn into your over-worked, over-dramatic, too negative parents.

Life is good. It just could be better. Especially for the people I love. If I could just do... something... well.

And if I could start to lighten up.

None of these issues will ever be corrected if I continue to update my live journal at work instead of working.

So I really should get on that soon will get on that now.

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