You need a way to get the image from your phone to a computer so it can be manipulated. Do you have some kind of cable that came with the phone? It will most likely be USB.
I thought phones generally didn't come with cables to connect to computers. I know I've never heard of one that came with it included. But yeah if she's got one then that would be the best solution.
If your phone and computer have bluetooth, this is easy to do and won't cost money. However, I bet your phone and computer don't have bluetooth, and even if they do you might have difficulty figuring it out since I'm guessing you use windows and windows is lame and hard to use for bluetooth stuff. So, you're probably going to be left with emailing the picture to yourself through your phone, which I haven't done before. But it's possible somehow, send a picture message to your regular email address from your phone, and I think it'll work. Then when you get in on your comp, add it like a normal lj user icon, which you should already know how to do.
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