Mar 02, 2008 21:23

Well folks, here it is ( Read more... )

poll, geeksecks

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Comments 14

froglett_29 March 2 2008, 21:47:58 UTC
Ohmygod Lauren! Laverne! There's no Laverne! She presents the Culture Show, that's quite geeky innit? I am mortified I never thought to nominate her.


zooniverse March 2 2008, 21:52:39 UTC
But she's a bit of a sell out these days :( It makes me so sad. She was one of my first ladycrushes (the first being Cerys Matthews - also sold out)

...If Ewan McGregor hadn't been one of the guaranteed entries from being in the top 10 last year I would have taken him out, too for that fucking awful perfume advert.

These things make me sad :(


froglett_29 March 2 2008, 21:54:19 UTC
How has she sold out? :( I agree on McGregor though, WHAT THE HELL is that advert. It's mind-bogglingly wrong.


zooniverse March 2 2008, 21:59:01 UTC
I think her doing CD:UK killed her for me. But also, she seems to have completely flattened out her personality. I remember a time when hearing the words "Lauren Laverne" conjured images or anarchic hilarity, nowadays all it conjours is images of blandness with the odd moment of nodding.


crudelydrawn March 3 2008, 02:31:17 UTC
Poor Jermaine Clement always gets his name misspelled. He should just pop that "R" in there and get it over with.

In other news: I was going to make a "poll" joke, but it was too easy. So I'm going to sit here and think about Stephen Colbert for a while.


neut March 3 2008, 14:38:16 UTC
Also, it's Jemaine. *gasp!* ;)

This was easier this year. I narrowed it down to people I'd actually boff.

Ayoade, Berry, Clement, Theroux.



lolita_fielding March 4 2008, 07:43:30 UTC
Even just seeing these people's names in list form makes me happy :)

I'm glad the Laverne isnt there she is a snooty cowbag and always has been.


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