Finally a chapter in my life ended!

May 24, 2007 17:26

So after a drawn out and dramatic truncated period of time, Cassie has picked up the rest of her stuff finally and turned over her key and is out of my household life. Once again with me trying to be a generally nuetral person in dealing with her, she turned the drama-mama shit on. She called me on Sunday late afternoon/early evening to ask if I could help her out by riding her bike to her place while she drove the rest of her stuff in her car. I told her at that point, for that evening that I was tired and couldn't do it and when and what my plans for the next week were for her to coordinate around making a possible plan to possibly help. Giving her no flack or guff or negativity and just saying get back to me with other possible times and maybe. So she comes over today at just after 5pm (I wouldn't have normally been home,but was because of a training class)to pick up her bike and has a co-worker, which she left sitting out in their car to wait like she was hiding them or something, to follow her home. I say she was hiding them or something because when I offered to carry stuff out,she got all kinds of defensive and then took everything in her hands at once and refused outright any of my help other than to hold the door. I said "whatever,that wouldn't have happened if I was helping" when she bumped something and got frustrated and pissed and I pointed that out to her. She turned the drama meter on quickly like she has done so easily over the last 2.5 months. It was almost Gelfling-like in both style,level,and propensity. I am glad to not have to deal with that in my home any longer.

I asked her weeks ago what and why and how she would like to keep a friendship with me, and she responded with " I guess as aquaintences" .That to me seemed really off for people who used to be intimate for almost 2 years, like she really didn't want to be friends. I told her that "if that was the case then, and that is what she wanted, that she would have to make the steps" and resolved myself to making no effort towards this. I also resolved myself to getting closure to this chapter of her living with me as she repeatedly said that she so detested living here in this house, and yet she managed to drag the move out pretty lengthily. So I told her in no uncertain terms to her face today that I was glad to put an end to this chapter and ready to move on and reminded her of the friends conversation previously had and told her outright again, that she would have to make the steps. I would venture to guess that other than in public social situations where we are in the same place, that I will never hear from or see her again. If I am wrong, then I'll eat my words.

I wish her no ill will or anything other than to grow up and mature and learn from the experiences of having lived with me and being around me these past 2 years. I hope they enrich her life and whomever else she decides to be apart of or with in all regards and circumstances. There are certainly more things that I have seen or done by the time I was her age, and she had a helluva handicap to try and overcome within herself that she set.
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