Weekend stuff's...

Jun 05, 2007 01:53

So I got up Saturday morning later than I wanted.....but got motorvating to go and put a new rear tire on the street bike as it was kinda bald.....was under the gun a bit as I was going to meet a friend to go riding with him.....ended up getting the tire put on for cheap, because I took the wheel off the bike myself and had a new tire of my own.....which is a good thing because I have been a little broke the last week and will be really kinda tight this week!!!...anyways,got the wheel back on and went and met up with buddy and another.....ended up riding a little more than a 1/3 of the route we had planned.....so we looked at a map as we broke to eat and decided where our paths were to diverge.....they had appointment times to meet and I didn't.....so when we split, I went off exploring some yonder ways and paths in northern and western like directions and by the time I got home, I found that I had scrubbed in the new rear tire somewhat decently with about a 160 or so miles.....maybe not as much as I would have liked,but wasn't bad nonetheless!

Saturday night I went to a going away party for one of the guys in one of the local Ducati groups I am apart of.....he ended up getting voilently ill later and tossed his cookies like a newby seaman on a ship.....hopefully he doesn't do that on his new ship he is joining out in Japan!!!

Sunday I went and saw a cool Belly Dance recital that Leah had invited me to and performed in.....it was cool to see the control that it takes in the display of coordination and movement that the dancers exemplified.....I have full respect for the art, but even moreso now.....went and chatted over food afterward, but got distracted by some old convention folks from years past who dropped by the table to say hello and totally diverged me from my party in the process.....ordinarily I wouldn't have minded, but I felt a bit more divided away than I wanted to and even moreso after that!.....seperated from the group as it was time for all to head home and got home to quietly watch a good MotoGP race and the 2nd to last episode of the Soprano's with Kitten!!!

there's other stuff that happened in between throughout the course of the weekend also that I am not hitting apon or have omitted by some lapse or other such type of reason....but am kinda distracted right now in my head as I had a completely shitty day at work today due to serious technological clusterfucks that made today a waste in terms of money and in expenditure of effort not commensurate with the what was gained in any way,shape,or form!....but I figured that I'd hit on a few of the highlights of more public type of interest!
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