Decided to re-do this. Took off the things I had accomplished and added new things to fill it out.
Start Date Monday, December 28, 2009
End Date Monday, September 24, 2012
1. Lose 10 lbs.
2. Lose 20 lbs.
3. Lose 30 lbs.
4. Lose 40 lbs.
5. Lose 50 lbs.
6. Belly dance 3x/week for 2 months (0/ 8 weeks)
7. Go for a walk with LD at least once a week for a year (0/52)
8. Be able to jog 1 mile without walking any of it.
9. Do yoga 3x/week for 2 months (0/ 8 weeks)
10. Drink 1L of water per day for 1 month
11. Get LASIK procedure completed.
12. Try 2 different forms of martial arts
13. Give up soda for 1 month
14. Give up fast food for 1 month
15. Paint and decorate kitchen
16. Paint and decorate master bath
17. Paint and decorate living room
18. Paint and decorate dining room
19. Paint and decorate master bedroom
20. Create “sacred space” in the house and keep it neat
21. Organize kitchen cabinets
22. Plant kitchen/witch garden (containers)
23. Landscape back yard
24. Landscape front yard
25. Clean and organize girls’ room
26. Clean out and organize all closets
27. Organize book collection and donate unwanted books to library
28. Organize CD collection
29. Clean out and organize garage
30. Have a garage sale to get rid of the excess
31. Keep house clean enough to not be embarrassed by drop in guests
32. Shampoo all the carpets in the house
33. Re-stain/seal the back deck
34. Get filed
35. Rebuild credit
36. Make and stick to a budget
37. Go geo-caching.
38. Host a family vacation for out of town family.
39. Have 1 date night per month for 1 year (0/12)
40. Take ballroom dance class together
41. Go to 3 concerts together
42. Go to 3 museums
43. Go to Las Vegas and watch a show
44. Go camping on the ranch in Arizona
45. Stay in a bed and breakfast in Colorado
46. Go camping here in CO.
47. Ride (or passenger) motorcycle over 3 mountain passes.
48. Take the girls to an aquarium.
49. Watch a meteor shower
50. Visit a New England state
51. Ride my motorcycle at least 3000 miles
52. Take 1 big trip (cruise, out of the country, etc)
53. Get new passport
54. Visit 4 state or national parks
55. Get manicure 4 times in one year (0/4)
56. Get pedicure 4 times in one year (0/4)
57. Grow hair to at least shoulder length
58. Go three months without coloring my hair.
59. Get ears pierced again
60. Get 2 more tattoos
61. Buy new wardrobe after weight loss
62. Get professional pictures taken
63. Get a professional massage
64. Try 4 new perfumes (0/4)
65. Learn HTML
66. Design a website
67. Get up and running
68. Learn how to use GIMP (or other graphic interface)
69. Take an art class
70. Re-learn German to at least intro level
71. Re-learn Spanish to at least intro level
72. Outline both books I’ve started
73. Finish both books I’ve started
74. Organize poetry
75. Write 10 more poems
76. Read 300 books (any genre) that I have NOT read (0/300)
77. Re-read the bible
78. Read 10 non-fiction scientific books that I have NOT read (0/10)
79. Watch 100 of the top 250 movies as listed at (0/100)
80. Re-connect with 5 old friends, in person.
81. Up my level of playing of the bass and guitar on Rockband to Hard
82. Learn to play 2 songs on the keyboard.
83. Learn to play 2 songs on the bass guitar.
84. See an opera
85. Go to a play
86. Try 10 new restaurants (0/10)
87. Try 10 new wines (0/10)
88. Try 5 new cocktails
89. Cook 1 new recipe per month for 12 months (0/12)
90. Organize recipe box
91. Buy canning pot, jars, lids, etc and can own salsa
92. Write handwritten letters to 5 people
93. Try scrap booking
94. Learn to sew and make one outfit
95. Knit a scarf for Elena
96. Attempt to crochet
97. Make 20 candles (0/20)
98. Make 20 bars of soap (0/20)
99. Attempt home brewing or wine making
100. Learn to shoot a handgun with accuracy
101. Get my concealed carry permit