reaction post!
Sooooooo I don't liiiiike it when Charlotte is with peeps who are not Daniel. I know liking Charlotte is an unpopular opinion, but whatevs, I like Charlotte and I like her with Daniel. And I mean hey, I'm human, I get the Sawyer appeal. Oh yes. I do. But it was just soooo wronnnng.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, IS THERE ANYONE WHO'S *NOT* PUMPED FOR NEXT WEEK'S EP? haha I'm gonna watch it with the guy I'm dating and I think that it will test the limits of my relationship. If he can handle watching me watch a Richard episode, he's a keeper, amirite?
awkward. Anyway, Miles is awesome annnnd what else. Oh! I wish Combination Locke hadn't pulled Claire off of Kate. Obviously. Also, I don't think Claire should be totally over it already? Stupid. Elizabeth Sarnoff episodes, amirite? And ummm what else. Oh! Widmore on the sub. Is Sawyer evil? Much as we love our light/dark motif, I don't think good/evil are ever completely clear-cut. Maybe they are with Jacob and Esau (ESAU'S MOMMY ISSUES, BTW, GUYS? I'M INTRIGUED), but not with our Losties.
And knockoff Tina Fey? Widmore, honestly, you can totes afford the real thing.
my tumblr has pretty collages and that's all I do with it