Title: Cloud Watcher Pairings: Yoochun-centric, Yoosu Length: one shot Author: zorata Rating: PG Genre: AU, Angst Summary: Yoochun returns to his long forgotten childhood place, and was surprised beyond what his brain can handle.
cloud watching is simple right? So simple that most people don't have time for that anymore, especially after you are an adult, there are more important things than leisurely laying around staring at the sky. So that's the other than I wanted to portray in this story. Cloud watching represent something simple, yet essential to us. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading!
Oh~ before I forgot..thanks for the add! It surprised me and have to say I'm glad and touched! You're the first to add me before I do so after all...Added you back btw~ ^^
The title of your journal... 'Tomorrow 3x creeps in this petty pace from day to day'
Is it from the poem (forgot who wrote it) called Life's brief Candle? Really brings back memories~ (learn that in high school for English literature~) ^^
i hope it wasn't too strange (because I was going for creepy, but didn't want to creep people out). Junsu definitely died, so he's not the real junsu, but he's solid because in my opinion, yoochun is the one who made him 'real'. Young yoochun couldn't see him at first was also of the same reason, because yoochun hasn't experienced enough yet. Kinda hard to explain, so it's normal to be confusing. XD Even I don't know every detail of what goes on.
oh this is just so mysterious. despite all the mysteries, i still thought the fic felt rather light and happy. maybe because of junsu's cheerful attitude...even if we don't really know what he is in the first place.
Comments 22
Thanks for sharing~ ^^
P/S: Good luck for the exam!
and i hope i do well on the exam too haha~~
it's nice to be reminded of things like this...people tend to realize the important things only when they lose them...and that sucks...really.
You're welcome! Glad that I did too!!! ^^
Don't worry...have confidence in yourself...you can do it! ^^
The title of your journal...
'Tomorrow 3x creeps in this petty pace from day to day'
Is it from the poem (forgot who wrote it) called Life's brief Candle? Really brings back memories~ (learn that in high school for English literature~) ^^
Anyhow, thanks again! ^^
thank you for reading! <3
thank you for sharing this~
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