Title: Some Things...
Pairings: Junsu-centric, YooSu
Length: drabble
zorata Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Summary: How does Yoochun's first present to Junsu compare to their relationship?
Note: First person POV. A thought-base story. Plot up to your interpretation.
Some things just can't be mended.
It used to be the beautiful promise you vowed to keep. That soft blue fabric reminded me of something everlasting when I felt like everything was going to end. Did you still remember that time when you gave me such a childish thing? I recall every detail of how your eyes shone and your smile warming, radiating a sort of hope.
Some things just can't last forever.
Somehow, silly I was, thought that this can. I didn't know where the confidence came from. From you perhaps? I was innocent and gullible like how you always described me. People are live beings, they change. It was only natural that you change. How can I expect you to be like a rock?
Some things are just meant to be broken.
That day when I slowly realized that we could not be together, I tried to tear it apart, that soft thing I perpetually kept safe. What was the point, keeping it in good shape, when the significance was already lost? How can I keep our friendship going when I am not the same to you anymore?
And some things will just always be different from now on.
I've tried time and time again to be like what we use to be. Maybe if we turn back time we can still be forever. But now I've learned to be on guard and not be so simple-minded anymore, you've taught me this much. Promises fade away, and I'm not honorable judge to hold you to one silly sentence you said years ago.
I tried to sew the flipper back on, but no amount of cotton balls I tried to stuff back into the dolphin can I ever make it as fat as before.
The End
A/N: I think it would be more interesting if the readers imagine the story behind it. The feelings are base on my own experiences, and here's the back story if you are lazy:
Yoochun became Junsu's friend because he liked Junsu. Junsu on the other hand was too simple to think about romantic stuff, but was still ecstatic to find a new best friend. Yoochun promised to be there for Junsu forever even when Junsu didn't feel the same way when he confessed with a present. Junsu took his words for it, but when Yoochun started to distance himself from him, Junsu couldn't understand what was happening. To Junsu, love is forever, so when he realized that he either needed to love Yoochun romantically or their relationship will be broken, Junsu was devastated. In the end, Yoochun had moved on before Junsu could figure out his feelings.