Title: Strong Hearts
Pairings: YunJae
Length: really short
zorataRating: PG
Genre: Angst/slight-humor
Summary: Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable
Prompt Prompt taken from dbsk prompt generator:
Jaejoong x Yunho / Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable ----------------------
My heart hates me, really it does.
When I am sitting down, calmly reading my book, it speeds up unnecessarily at the sight of you, forcing me to set it down until I am finished being distracted.
When I am working out, my heart stops when you sit beside me, making my lungs constrict until my muscle cramp up from the lack of oxygen.
And when I am looking at you, enjoying the company of my best friend, it collapses on itself, pulling in my chest with brutal force.
One time you asked me, "Jaejoong, are you alright?"
I smile and said, "Yes, of course."
It's because by now, my heart has been trained to be unbreakable at the sight of you so it can serve its practical purpose--
to inconspicuously love you.
A/N: An apology drabble for those who are waiting for my updates and such. I need to wake up for my final exam in about 5 hours ( I'm not sure why I'm even here...to vent perhaps?). Hope you enjoy =)