Title: Veil Veiling Secrets Pairings: HoMin (one-sided), Yunjae (one-sided) Length: oneshot Author: zorata Rating: PG Genre: angst Summary: The reason behind the different ordering in the half-naked photo for the 4th album.
oh hell yes it is. in fact, i'm going through that right now. crap being selfish & stupidly assertive again. just saying but yes. unrequited love is rly rly painful. TT_____________TT" which makes me wanna cry 4 minnie bear. TT_____________________________________________________TT""
Wow, tri-angle but in the end, none of them can get love u___u At first I think Jae love Yunho, too but I just see it is one-sided...huhuhu Poor Yunnie, Jae is a bit too cold here *sigh*
When reading the introduction of this fic, i saw the word "One-sided" twice... that made me feel sad... One-sided love is always sad...
Though you did tell that Yunjae was also a one-sided love... but after seeing Jaejoongie turned his head but still let Yunho to fix his collar... can i hope that someday, this one-sided love could turn into the two-sided love...???
Since i am a Yunjae supporter, plz pardon me, for not talking abt Homin in this fic, neh unnie...i juz simply don't like to talk abt them...
haha i'm not much of a homin fan either, so hence the yunjae. But I really wasn't in the mood to write romance fic, so that's why it's all onesided. ^^"
Comments 21
Thank you for reading! <3
thanks for reading! =D
btw nice fic^^
Thank you very much!
Thank you for this, Zorata ahhhh~~ >^.^< ~~
Though you did tell that Yunjae was also a one-sided love... but after seeing Jaejoongie turned his head but still let Yunho to fix his collar... can i hope that someday, this one-sided love could turn into the two-sided love...???
Since i am a Yunjae supporter, plz pardon me, for not talking abt Homin in this fic, neh unnie...i juz simply don't like to talk abt them...
Thank unnie, for your nice work ^___^
Thank you for reading!
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