Title:- Labels
Author:- zorell
Characters:- Ianto
Rating:- G
Written for Challenge:- 559 - label at tw100
Spoliers:- none.
Summary:- Labels can be helpful.
Disclaimer:- I don't own Torchwood or the characters.
“I don’t do labels,” Ianto muttered as he surveyed the row of tins sitting in the cupboard, tangible evidence of Jack’s latest attempt at domesticity. The Immortal had said he’d get the shopping, then headed down to the corner shop saying they had a special offer on. It was all too clear to the Welshman why the items were so cheap. “All well and good for relationships Mr.51st Century,” Ianto continued muttering, “But when it comes down to knowing if you’re about to add beans or custard to your sausage and chips, they do tend to come in handy!”