my life is really awesome right now

Jul 31, 2013 17:11

Stayed with Michael again last night after the 2Seeds dinner at Amy's apartment (she's the relatively new US director of operations person). :D I got to gush to him about the 2Seeds dinner at Amy Baker's (so much fun once I got over my initial awkward! got to talk to Kristin! Kristin and her boyfriend had lots of fun at my birthday party! I chatted with Jon Lawless about plans for recruiting for 2Seeds at St. John's! I just really enjoyed talking nonprofit/project management shop with everyone! I saw Ana again!) and talk about various other life developments.

I miss him even though I just saw him this morning and will be seeing him again on Thursday (there's a 2Seeds happy hour at 6 pm that he can attend with me if he wants, and I basically have to be in DC on Thursday night anyway because Ana insists on going dancing with me before she leaves.) I realize this wanting-to-be-together-every-possible-free-moment thing we have going on right now is a) a phase and b) impractical, and I'm not the kind to have no life outside of my boyfriend anyway (actually rather the contrary; having a lot going on in my life makes me more excited about spending time with someone who cares about what I'm up to!) but it is still a feeling I have, so I might as well indulge it while it lasts.

Although I am also happy to be home again, however briefly. I had an acceptable level of work to do today (as opposed to having almost nothing or having five million things) and my life is seriously exploding with new and old relationships of all descriptions right now. I feel really connected to my Annapolis community- the favors I owe some former bosses are going to get called in mid-August, which actually makes me happy that I can give back- and seeing 2Seeds people again was great, and talking to family and friends these past few days to tell them the news about me and Michael was really nice... I just have so much going on right now! Eventually it will all overtake me and I will have to go sleep for a few days, but whatever, I will enjoy my improbably high energy levels while I have them.

Goals for the rest of today: work out logistics for happy hour tomorrow, write cover letter, go to potluck if I have time, chat with Michael briefly, sleep forever.

love life, yay, community

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