wow it's been a veryyyy long time since i haven't made a post ! well I don't have exactly a lot of time to post.. ^^ I still read your entries, but I never comment... hhm bad me ^^ I especially love reading choeur (I want to do erasmus !!!!), Breton-frog (wesh Bretagne power !) Shara (alala le bon vieux temps du french thread.. ^^) et by-legend.
Voilà, I miss the holidays
(yes I want to keep my anonymity :p )
So now I guess that nobody cares, but talking to a LJ is less expensive than talking to a psychologist... lol (nooo I don't need it ^^) So I had great holidays with 4 friends in a camping, it felt so good to be independant, with our little car, in our little tent.. ;) lucky us it didn't even rain, and I even went in the sea twice ! (about 15°C ..). We even met some stupid camping guys and played in an air filed giraffe (the kids seemed a little scared.. ;) ) Last year we didn't had many occasion too party (2 of us had to pass the pharmacy examination, wich they had, and Cécile and I have to pass an examination at the end of this year..) so we did catch up.. ^^
Then the 4th of september came very very fast, and everything wen back the way it was last year... school from 8 to 18 (most of the time ^^) then working (r trying to work...) till midnight or so, and then try to wake uo at 6:30 (I'm in this kind of school : and here they don't talk about my section : bcpst (biology, chemistry, physics, "sciences de la terre" ). All this to say that they don't let us any time to think, and I don't even know if I like what I do... pfiou it's good to complain ! lol. I hope I'll have my exams and go to some school where I know what I work for.. ;)
So congrats to all if you've read all this ^^
o and watch Cashback ! and scrubs ... hihi (sorry i don't remember how to deal with the links with LJ, and I'm laaaazy ! ^^)
Bisous to all :)
our beautiful tent
The same one some days after...
Aurélie, Fiona and me (+ Anne Laure's eyes.. yes she's very good at taking "self pictures.. ;) )
Now Anne-Laure alone (she's my bff or maplv if you prefer.. lol)
The car (we were 2 on the back seats....)
we went to Ikea before going home...
Anne laure, Aurélie and me
then some crazy chicks from ikea tryed to kill us because apparently photos aren't allowed...