So things are busy at work. Snowflake CD is starting, gotta get submissions finalized in the next WEEK!! Christmas Cards Brochures should be printed this week, and mailed this week (hope N got the 400 stamps I requested!) And all the misc stuff that needs to be done. And then in October besides Christmas cards being crazy, I'll have to do the mail-out for the AGM (another 300 stamps puh-leeze). But I have a foam envelope wetter thing so I don't get loopy from licking those envelopes. :P
And school has finally started! yeah!
Which means community association and school parent council meetings!
I've been keeping busy hanging with real live people though.
I have been shopping as well.
Turtle purse from a chick at WAM.
The necklace is half way into a new necklace for me to keep. I will show the finished product!
I love old craft magazines. That one is from 1959 I believe.
The orange basket has the ripple afgan I am making for Jake.
Close-up of the necklace. It's all wooden.
I love that print from The Black Apple shoppe on ETSY. I got the frame from Dollarama (<3). I love my trinket boxes. Fan is from FolkFest, Asia Pavilion.
Got the stone covered bowl from MCC today for $4.00. The knob was broken but I glued it back on. The top and bottom look mismatched, but whatever.
Here you can see some of the carving.
A co-worker gave my these notebooks after I practically threw a fit in her office when I spied them.
They're japanese. They are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A girl can't have to many notebooks/diary's
Random pictures of my bedroom.
I am quite exciting. :D
ps saw Kung Fu Panda today.....if you haven't seen it, it is a must see. So very very very very very very very very awesome