Dude! No one told me that you could watch old 80s videos on
You Tube!
I just watched Pat Benatar's "Love is a Battlefield" three times. What's scarier is that I still know all the dance moves.
It's like my science fiction dream of the future is coming true...any video you want, any time.
Comments 4
You should so write up this story. It's hilarious already!
They all look so young... but I'm not getting weird about my impending birthday or anything. Nope.
I think there's something wrong with the sugarquill. (Probably hacked, or something similar). When I wanted to visit the site a few minutes ago, I got a virus on my computer (which luckily was deleted at once by Norton Antivirus). I didn't even connect this with the Quill, thought the Virus found elsewhere the way in my computer and went visiting other sites. But when I returned to the Sugar Quill, it happened again. Therefore I think it is somehow connected with the site.
- Hick, from the Quill forums
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