So I got back my pics that I took in Cape Breton a few weekends ago.
Okay, so first up is a couple of funny pics of Zartan that i took the day or so before we left. His tongue is sticking out in one. :)
then there is the crazy truck we got stuck behind with the shiny back so that we could see the road reflected in it. It's very cramped trying to take pics from the front seat of a pick-up truck with three OTHER people crammed in with you....
We went for a drive to Chad's Aunt's place. This is right at the end of their driveway, which goes off to my left where you can't see it
This is the road coming FROM Cha's Aunt's place and at the bottom is where the next pics were taken, which is te pretty place I said I wanted to move to forever.
After we got back we grabbed Newman the dog......
And went for a walk up the street and into the field behind Chad's parent's house
Newman was tired when we got back
And then i took a pic of Chad
the End