Write 20 random facts about yourself & then tag five people. Three cheers!
1. I'm getting my laptop on Saturday!
2. I hate spending money. But..
3. I love to shop.
4. I think I might invest, or convince my parents to invest, in a microwave and a coffee maker this weekend.
5. Like Briana, I have a crush. But honestly, who didn't know that one?
6. Sleeping wins over showering.
7. Without Ramen, I would probably starve.
8. I live on a freaking mountain.
9. I need to rearrange my room. Like whoa.
10. I need visitors. coughRYANSULLIVANcough. Ahem.
11. I can not WAIT until Thanksgiving. Me + Connie = Scrapbooking Sleepover.
12. Ever since the recent PA deaths, I've been nauseous everyday thinking that it could have been my brother that got in an accident and died.
13. I don't want to be alone anymore. In the love kind of way.
14. I have a card from Luke on my desk that I look at whenever I'm sad/stressed/angry/happy/hopeful/lonely/etc.
15. Connie sent me a card about laughing and snorting. It is also on my desk.
16. I miss a lot of people.
17. I'm scared that my Great-Grandmother's going to die while I'm herr at school.
18. I need to go to the bank to deposit some checks.
19. I'm excited that I'm not in band next semester.
20. Hmm, I didn't say that I was going to say how big my boobs are.. heck, everyone already know. The End.\
And I taggggggggg
Ryan Patrick Sullivan
Constance Mary Barysauskas
and any other cool kid that wishes to do it. The survey, that is.