He let the dogs out back this morning - WITHOUT checking to see if the gate was shut! Giddy and Penny came to the front porch and bounced off the door before going off to explore. I looked out and saw their tails wagging, and started yelling. Giddy, Penny, and Sunny all came running. (Thank God there wasn't anybody walking a dog down our street; Sunny would not have taken that well.) I got them in and called for Earl, who had been oblivious to all of this. He got in the car to go hunt for Flyer while I started hobbling down the street calling her. A person walking his dog said he'd seen her about a block away, happily checking out the scenery. I kept hobbling, holding on to street signs and lamps when I could, and a woman walked towards me with Flyer. Flyer had wandered into her house to check things out.
When Flyer saw/heard me, she came running, and we hobbled back home. Well, I hobbled. She ran, jumped, and cavorted with joy at her little adventure. I think she just shaved another 10 years off my life!