ideš ticho ako vrah!

Sep 17, 2005 02:13

because i watched those videoclips before i went to bed, i dreamt last night that i was lost in Bratislava with my little sister.

because i like to translate songs, because i love this one, because somehow it reminds me of my street in Chicago, and also everywhere else i've been, all manner of nostalgic associations.

on my street there are gates all around,
and behind them dogs wag their tails
on my street there are porches, great atmosphere,
the stairs from the porch take me up to the door,
and Maja when she sees me says to me,
ach, you walk quietly as an assassin!
on my street only the poor folks live,
the rich are invading
and soon we'll all be in the cunt.
Sosa is my friend and Maja is his,
together we're walking home on this narrow path,
Sosa is my friend and Maja is too,
he whispers silly things in her ear:
you are my little friend, my very own...
on my porch I look through the yard,
how those kids are growing up beneath the dealer's windows
when a cry cuts the air and everyone is quiet,
the dogs turn up their ears in the dark, the cats disappear
and a cop says to his neighbor, i saw them,
what a strange pair they were,
but now, now everything is over,
on my street,
there are gates all around...
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