Spent the weekend at Robinvale, VIC - pop 1500. Wasn't bad, mingled with my cousins (all younger than me, super), and swam from Victoria to New South Wales. Was fun
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what looks do you reckon I get when i walk into church? visiting a building every now and again won't make you any good a christian as anyone else (whatever a good christian is)
Those old fashioned churches make me a little afraid. Penny Arcade's catch phrase "Jesus is f'ing metal" does more to spread the awesomeness of Jesus than creepy stone buildings and make-believe lambs.
Comments 4
get a telescope and believe in the stars ;)
Yes, the stars shall be my god.
for if you do not worship the one god the true god osiris god of war you will be cast into the fiery pits of collingwood.
and may your family be cursed with a thousand locusts up your ass "in the fashion of the iraq communication minister" a true bull shit artist.
im going to download some clips of the iraq communication minister now just for my own personal amusement
Penny Arcade's catch phrase "Jesus is f'ing metal" does more to spread the awesomeness of Jesus than creepy stone buildings and make-believe lambs.
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