
Sep 11, 2004 23:12

someone needs to stop me before i do something stupid. My dad is a total asshole most of the time and that makes me want to kill him. I wouldn't relly want to do that beacause i love my dad but sometimes he can push you over teh edge. he is a control freak and he wants everything a certain way. if it isn't done his way then everyone has to suffer ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

StOp In ThE NaMe Of SoMeThInG.... JuSt WaNtEd To HaVe A cOoL tItLe! carneliantopaz September 14 2004, 13:26:06 UTC
Hey girly what is up?
NoT MuCh HeRe. YeS I kNoW YoUr DaD cAn Be VeRy...WhAt Is ThAt WoRd...AsShOlEiSh. If ThAt Is EvEn A wOrD. BuT AnYwHo, I'm SuRe He Is NoT tHaT bIg Of A pRoBlEm CoMpArEd To ThOsE PeOpLe YoU AtTrAcT In ThE ChAt RoOmS! I dO aS wElL sO i ShOuLdN't Be TaLkInG, LoL IdIaNs AnD ArAbS, Ya GoTtA LoVe 'Em. WeLl I GoTs Ta Go, TaLk Ta Ya SoOn!
LuV lOtS,


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